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when we were at the front door, han said something funny. we started to laugh when we came in aaron, looked at me, and said, "Why are you laughing ?" "Because han said something funny, do you have a problem with that ?" " yeah" "then you shouldn't tell me that they need to come home with me" "go to you're room" "no I am older than you so I can do whatever I want to do understant ?" I give him a dead stare "okay you win. You are so scary when you look like that. "I know why you think I always win? " I say, walking to the kitchen. I shout from the kitchen to the guys to ask if they want some noodles, and they answer that they want some noodles. an hour later, the noodles are ready and shout again to the guys to say their noodles are ready and they come to the dining table and say, "Thank you for the food!" and we started to eat. I did the dishes by hand because the dishwasher was running. Before I started washing the dishes, I put on some music. While I was singing butter from BTS until aaron walked in with seungmin and he said that I needed to stop singing, but seungmin thought that my singing skills were really good, but still I stoped singing. I was done with washing and drying the dishes and went to the living room. "Hey Y/N do you want to hang out with us ? "bangchan asked "No sorry I was going to my room watching some k-drama maybe next time, " and I went upstairs and opened my laptop and put the show on. I was halfway through the episode, and something cute happened in the show . I fell from my bed because I started rolling over, and then bangchan came into the room and looked at me confused. "Are you okay?" bangchan asked helping me getting up "yeah I am okay don't worry it happens everytime" "how come" "oh when I watch some k-drama and something cute happens I start kicking my feet in the air and start giggling but sometimes I roll over to the wrong side and fall of my bed" "oh okay which k-drama are you watching?"  "destined with you every wednesday and thursday comes a new episode but I coudn't watch it yesterday so I watch it now" "oh okay" "so why are you here" "oh yeah aaron asked if you wanted to go to the amusment park with us" "No sorry I just stay home but enjoy" "okay we will see you then" "oh yeah chan do you guys comeback on time for dinner or not?"I don't think so."Okay, enjoy in the amusement park!"Thank you, bye!" "Bye!" After chan left, I watch my k-drama further. when the episode was done, I walked downstairs, put on some music on the tv, and started cooking. I was done coocking and started eating my dinner. I was done eating my dinner and I was doing the dishes then I got a strange feeling that someone was peeking trough the window of the kitchen I called my brother and said that I didn't feel safe home alone he asked why I wasn't feeling safe I said that I had a feeling that someone was peeking trough the kitchen window he said I was imaging it but I wasn't and then he hung up after I called aaron an anonymous number called me I picked up the phone "hello" I said in a scared voice "hi Y/N it's bangchan" I let out an sigh out of relief "hey chan" "everything okay there" "oh do you want me to be honest?" "Yeah, " "No, I don't feel safe right now. " "How come?"It's just like I feel someone is peeking through the kitchen window." "okay Y/N stay on the line, and I will come over, okay ?" "chan, you don't have to."  "I want to. " "oh okay when are you here?" "just five minutes away just keep talking" "okay, so how did you got my phonenumber" "I stole aaron's phone for one minute and send you're number to me that's how I got you're number" "ha that's smart" "I know, I am at the front door can you open up" "yeah I am on my way" I opend up the door and when I saw chan I hang up the phone and let him in "thank you for coming but also I am sorry for ruining you're  afternoon" "it's okay I would make sure that you're safe than hanging out with the others" "okay you wanna eat someting" "no I already ate" "oh okay wanna watch a movie or something?"Sure," we settled down on the couch and put on the 20th century girl. I woke up in someone's arm but I couldn't open my eyes. I heard someone say something but didn't hear what he said. The person laid me down on my bed and said, "Go back to sleep. I will be here when you wake up." I recognized the voice it was chan who brought me to my bed. I muttered thank you to chan and fell asleep.

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