Chapter 27

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We did not take it slow.

With a last kiss to my chest, Austin falls to the space beside me. He rolls onto his back and I find that his chest is rising and falling with him trying to regain his breathing. I smirk as I get out of bed and head to the bathroom. Once I am back, I find Austin looking at me, his eyes soft. I walk over to the bed and lay down beside him.

Austin pulls down the blanket and runs his hand from underneath my chest and down to my stomach. Goosebumps rise all over my body at his touch. "How many men have you been with?", he asks me. This wasn't a question I thought he would ask.

"Since?", I ask and he looks at me. His eyes are soft, there is not anger beneath them.

"Since me", he says in response.

"One", I answer thruthfully and he gives me a look. "I'm telling the truth", I tell him and he shakes his head.

"No one night stands?", he asks me and I shake my head. I've never had the time between work and taking care of Matteo to hook up with a guy for one night.

"How many have you been with?", I ask him in return and he shows me his index finger. "Before or after this season?", I ask him. I'm afraid of the answer. Even though the relationship was just for publicity, what if they did sleep together?

"Before, Jude", he answers. "I only ever hooked up with Savannah before Matteo was born. During summer league." I nod at his answer, I knew he was telling the thruth. There would be no reason for him to lie to me anyway.

"Question", Austin says and in one fast movement, he is on top of me. He places his hand on my bottom lip and softly swipes at it. "Is he better than me?"

"Better than you?", I laugh. I hadn't expected Austin to ask me this question either. "How?" I'm only playing with him; I knew what he meant. I knew he meant if Beckham treated me better than he does. In every aspect of my life.

"You know what", he mumbles before placing a soft kiss on my ear. I giggle at his touch and say,"What if I were to say yes?"

Austin almost loses his hold and falls on top of me. He grunts as he places his elbow back to my side and holds himself up again. "Say that again?" I repeat the phrase and this time he buries his head into my chest. I laugh out loud and he grumbles in my chest. "Say you're lying", he says and I could barely understand him.

"Austin, get up", I tell him and he does as I say. "If I ever told you that another man was better for me than you I'd like for you to leave me."

Austin frowns and I laugh once again. "I'm kidding, baby. You're better than him." And to keep thing light I move closer to his ear and say,"In every sense possible."

"You scared me", he says to me and I only laugh harder. I lean up and press my lips to his and in return he leans down and helps make the kiss better. "I love you, Austin."

"I love you too, mi vida", he says to me. "I can't wait until I'm going to be home again."

"You are home", I answer him. "Matteo and I are your home. No matter where you are."

"Oh Jude", he whispers softly and I watch as his eyes glaze over. "I love you so much."

"Come here", I tell him and I let him lay on top of me. My body is used to his weight anyway. "Make it home safe for me, Austin."

"I will", he promises pressing a kiss just on top of my heart.


The both of us wake up the next day to the doorbell ringing. I sit up in bed quick, but Austin is out of bed faster than me. He finds his pants and puts them on and I throw him his shirt. He places it on his head and then presses a kiss to my head before heading out of my room. I get up as well and change into a sweat set before heading downstairs myself.

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