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This is the story of a girl and a boy. One you've probably heard before. But I can guarantee that this is far more interesting that anything else you've ever read before.

It's best to start at the beginning...

When Jessica was twelve years old and in her second year of secondary school, she sat in history, on the same row as a boy called Alex. Jessica, whilst being a proud member of the 'invisible society', got on well with Alex, the so-called 'king' of football. The pairing surprised none more than the only mutual friend the two shared: Paige. Alex and Paige know each other through their mums, who are like sisters and their dads, who are like brothers. Jessica and Paige know each other because the two of them were in the same food tech in their first year at secondary school, which resulted in a strong friendship between the two of them. As Paige and Jessica walked to their respective lessons, Paige continued to bug Jess about her friendship with the boy who was more of an annoying little brother to her than a friend. "I mean, come on Jess, he's a total moron, plus he had a ginormous minion phase in like year 5. Why are you friends with someone who can love something so creepy?" Paige asked her. "He's nice to me, Paige. Plus he's got a super funny nickname for me." Jessica tried to reason. "Calling you the company on the back of all our school books isn't funny Jess. we're different species. Think of it like this: they are the Montague's, them being Alex's lot and we are the Capulet's. There's no mixing there." Paige explained. "That's where you're wrong Paige. There was one situation of mixing: Romeo and Juliet." Jessica said triumphantly. "Look where that got them Jess, dead." Paige told her, though it was no use. For all of year 8, Jessica and Alex swapped banter between them like best friends.

Come year 9, Alex and Jessica stopped talking, though Paige still spoke to the both of them. No tears were shed over the loss of the friendship and Jess and Alex went about their school life as normal. Until year 11 prom...

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