Chapter 15

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The last few days of Jessica, Paige and Alex's holiday were spent with the three families doing all sorts of fun things together, going to play mini-golf, getting drunk in every local pub before stumbling back to one of the two houses to watch movies and going into town for the Christmas fair. All the while, Jessica and Alex's relationship had only gotten stronger. Alex had gotten Jessica a late Christmas present, because even though the two of them had only been together for a week, he felt obligated to; he had loved her for longer than he could remember. The gift was simple enough, a small chain with an 'A' charm accompanied by a note quoting a Taylor Swift song, one of their favourites. Alex decided he would take her out on the last night and treat her to dinner at the Italian restaurant in town. Little did he know, but Jessica had also gotten him a gift; just a simple watch that had a note engraved on the back saying 'I love you, J', she figured she could give it to him on New Year's Eve as their families had decided to go to Alex's house to celebrate. That was until she received a message from Alex asking if she had a nice dress to wear because he was taking her out on a date. When she read the message, she was so happy that she fell out of her bed from giggling and kicking her feet.

That night, Alex arrived at Jessica's grandparents' house, a bouquet of daisies in one hand and the necklace secured in his pocket. He took a deep breath, took a step forward and knocked on the door. David opened the door, dressed in his pyjamas, and called out for Jessica. He then invited Alex in and closed the door behind him before going back to the living room where Louise, Sidney and Chloe were watching a film. The moment when Jessica appeared at the top of the stairs was something straight out of a movie. She was stunning, wearing a gorgeous sky blue dress and leather jacket with a pair of platform boots. Alex was speechless, he couldn't believe how lucky he was to be with her. "You look... wow. Jess you're gorgeous." Alex said as she reached where he was standing by the door. "Thanks, you don't look too bad yourself." Jessica replied, blushing as she looked Alex up and down, he was wearing black trousers with a white polo shirt, a black coat and Nike trainers, she too couldn't believe how lucky she was to be with someone like Alex. "Thanks, these are for you." Alex said, handing Jessica the bouquet of daisies. "I love them, thank you. Let me just put these in water and then we can go." Jessica replied, walking into the kitchen. While she was gone, Louise walked into the entryway. "I know you'll treat her well, so I'll make this quick, have her home for eleven, keep it PG and make sure she has a good time." She told Alex. "I promise Mrs. Carter." Alex replied. "You can call me Louise." She said, smiling. Just as Louise went back to the living room, Jessica walked back into the entryway. "Ready to go?" She asked. "Yeah, let's go." Alex replied, holding out his hand for Jessica to take.

The walk to the restaurant was short, only five minutes and not too cold for the time of year. "So what made you want to take me out on a date?" Jessica asked on the way. "Well, you're my girlfriend, I love you and our only other 'date' was my mum's party." Alex replied, swinging their hands between them. She giggled at his response, burying her face in Alex's arm. Alex took this opportunity to unlink their hands, wrapping his arm around her and pressing a kiss to her head as they continued to walk to the restaurant.

"Alex, this all looks very expensive, are you sure I don't need to give you any money?" Jessica asked as they looked at the menu. "Let me treat my girl, pick whatever you want." Alex replied, not batting an eye. The waiter came over shortly after and took their orders as well as giving them some water and complementary bread. "This bread is to die for." Jesscia said with a mouthful of warm, soft bread. Alex laughed at her, falling for her even further. "While we wait, I have something for you." Alex said, taking the box out of his pocket. Jessica eyed the box before taking the box from Alex and setting it down in front of her. "I have something for you too." She said, placing the box containing the watch on the table in front of Alex. "You didn't have to." He started. "Shut up and open it." Jessica interrupted, smiling. "How about we open them together?" Alex suggested. Jessica nodded in agreement and they both began to open their boxes. Alex purposefully went slowly so he could fully see Jessica's reaction to the necklace. As she took off the final layer of paper, Jessica caught a glimpse of the silver chain and gasped. "Alex..." She started as she continued to unwrap the necklace. When she saw the pendant, tears welled in her eyes, but they only fell when she read the note accompanying it. "It's beautiful, can you put it on?" She gasped. Alex nodded, putting his gift box down and walking behind Jessica's chair. He gently took the necklace from her hands and placed it around her neck, securing the clasp before putting her hair back in place. "I love it, thank you." She said, looking up at him. Alex leaned down, pressing a kiss to her lips, smiling. "Come on, open yours." Jessica said, gesturing for Alex to sit back down. Once he was back in his seat, Alex continued to open the box, still smiling. As he opened the final layer of wrapping, Jessica began grinning widely. Alex finally got the watch out of the box, turning it over in his hand, so happy he couldn't form words. "Jess, wow, I love it." He said. "Turn it over." Jessica instructed. Alex did so and read the engraving. "I love you too Jess." Alex said, taking off the watch he was wearing to put his new one on.

After dinner, Alex walked Jessica home, the two of them smiling the whole way home. "Thank you for the best first date ever Alex." Jessica said as they stood outside the door. "I should be thanking you, I've not had this much fun ever." Alex replied, smiling. "I'm glad, I better go in, it's almost eleven." Jessica said. "Wait, goodnight kiss?" Alex suggested, smiling. Jessica laughed and wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing a love-filled kiss to his lips. Alex's arms wrapped around Jessica's body, pressing her to him. "Goodnight, Aex." Jessica said once they pulled apart, her hand on the door. "Goodnight, Jess." Alex said, seeing his taxi had arrived. Once inside, Jessica leaned against the door, smiling so wide, she would have been worried that her face would split if she wasn't so happy. Little did she know, Alex too was grinning like an idiot the whole way home.

That night the two teenagers fell asleep smiling like they'd never be sad again. 

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