13. An Anger Gem

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The temple is seen as Steven and Connie are taking pictures after cleaning up the beach with the crystal gem of the unwanted guests

Izuku is seen sitting on the sand as he waits for Garnet to come out of the house
On the beach where izuku is sitting is a picnic basket set up for spending time with Garnet

The mail man Jamie walk to greet Steven and Connie
Izuku is still waiting for Garnet
Steven:"hi Garnet, hi Eri" he greeted her with a big smile
Connie:"hello Garnet, Eri" she greeted
Garnet walks out the door to the temple as she carries Eri with her
Eri waves at them
Jamie:"who's garn-" he said as he was cut off while looking at Garnet
Garnet:"howdy" she said with a small smile
Steven:"whatcha up to?" He asked them
Garnet:"about to have a picnic with Izuku, want to join?" She asked as she put Eri down
Steven:"na i'm fine, thinks for asking" he said with a smile as he signed some packages
Eri:"Steven how are you?" She asked as she jumps from left to right with excitement and curiosity
Steven:"I'm doing good Eri, and you?" He asked as he hugged Eri
Jamie:"s-so what are you doing right now?" he asked with hesitation and a slight blush
Garnet:"well I'm going to have lunch with Izuku" she responded
Jamie:"who's Izuku" he asked with somewhat anger tone
Garnet pointed at Izuku, who's sitting on the sand as he watches the ocean
Garnet:"that's izuku" she said
Jamie look at the green gem with anger

Garnet and Eri sat with izuku as they started to talk and eat sandwiches

A while later
Connie and Steven are seen looking
Connie:"why did you order so many sea pals, are you starting a farm?" She asked with confused
Steven:"well I originally ordered one, but it didn't come, so I kept ordering" he replied
Connie:"so what are you going to do with them?" She asked still confused
Steven:"I'm going to set them free" he said as he was about to throw them into the ocean
Jamie appeared from the corner
Steven:"Hi Jamie" he said
Jamie:"H-hello Steven" he said
Connie:"you didn't bring any sea pals did you?" She asked with discomfort
Jamie:"what, no I just came to uhh, umm" he froze
Steven:"what's that?" He asked pointing at the pink letter in his hand
Jamie:"uhh here!" He said as he handed the letter to Steven
Steven:"but what is it" he asked Jamie, but he had ran off with excitement
Steven and Connie looked at the back or the letter and saw Garnet's name on it
They gasped with surprise as they ran up the stairs and into the temple
Steven:"Garnet, Garnet, Garnet, the most unbelievable thing has happened and you'll die of shock" he shouted to Garnet who's about to step up the stairs to Steven's and Eri's bed room
Garnet:"quiet, I'm busy right now" she said as she was carrying a sleeping Eri in her arms
Steven:"you got a letter" he said
Garnet put Eri to bed and walked to Steven, who's holding the letter
Garnet:"read it" she ordered
Steven opened the letter and took a paper out
Steven:"to Garnet when I watched you rise like a towering beauty, I felt an iron ring stab my artery and I invite you to enjoy with me some dinner or lunch if you want to keep it casual next Friday, I await your response, love jamie" he reads from thr letter
Connie:"I think Jamie is asking you out on a date" she said with surprise
Steven:"well that ain't happening" he said firmly
Garnet:"nope" she said with her arms crossed
Connie:"why not" she asked with curiosity
Steven:"Garnet is already in a relationship" he said
Connie:"wait really" she asked surprise
Steven:"well yeah, she is a relationship" he stated
Connie:"oh you mean cause she a fusion" she said
Steven:"Ruby and sapphire are so close, they can't stand to be apart" he said
Garnet:"I'm also in a relationship with Izuku if y'all didn't know" she stated with a small smile and a blush
Connie:"I guess this date with James is out of the question, also when did y'all start dating?" she asked
Garnet:"that was around 530 years ago" she said as she looked up as she remembered
Connie:"guy Jamie put so much thought into this letter it would be rude not to respond" she said

A while later
Connie puts a paper onto the table
Connie:"ok Garnet it would be a good idea to start off the letter playing off his, like dearest Jamie, ok go Garnet" she said as Garnet had un uninterested look to her face
Garnet:"start with the letter n" she said
Connie:"ok what next" she asked
Garnet:"uhh the letter o" she said still with uninterest
Connie:"you can say the whole word instead of spelling it out" she stated
Garnet:"pried" she said
Connie looked at the paper
Connie:"n o pried, ohh" she realizes
Steven:"I think we need more then that" he said
Garnet:"ok, the end for ever and even after that" she state
Steven:"yours truly Garnet" he said with a smile
Connie:"at least it's honest and to the point" she said as she put the card in an envelope and they ran outside
Connie:"so where could he be" she asked
Steven:"I don't know, he could be dropping mail halfway across the world by now" he responded

Connie points at Jamie who's sitting on a log on the beach
Connie:"there he is" she said as they ran to him

Jamie:"oh hey Connie and Steven, y'all come out to stare at the ocean and think about life too?" He asked with a smile
Connie:"uhh no?, we came to-" She was cut of by Jamie
Jamie:"yeah life is crazy, one right here in beach city delivering mail and then the next thing you know your on a bus following your dreams of becoming an actor" he said with hope
Steven:"yeah right" he said
Connie:"oh yeah, we have something for y-" she was cut off by Steven
Steven:"no we don't" he shouted

Later on in the temple
Steven:"how can we give this letter to Jamie now he looked upset" he questioned
Connie looked concentrated as she wrote a fake letter
Steven:"perfect" he said as he grabbed the fake letter and walked out the temple to put it inside the mail box

Later on at night
Steven is seen playing video games as Eri sleeped the night away
Outside of the house can be seen Jamie as he shouted for Garnet and he accidentally woke up Eri
Eri:"what's happening" she asked sleepy
Izuku:"walked out of the temple gem door anger
Izuku:"shut up you bastard, you woke up my daughter!" He shouted with rage
Jamie:"sorry about that, is Garnet home?" He asked worried for his life
Izuku:"yes she is now get out of here" he said still anger as hell
Garnet came out of the temple door as she watch
Jamie:"my-" he was cut off before he could continue
Garnet:"I thought I said no I won't date you" she said
Jamie:"but you wrote a letter stating that you were madly in love with me" he said as he teared up
Garnet:"I never wrote that letter" she said angry
Jamie:"but-" he was cut off by Garnet
Garnet:"I'm already dating Izuku, why would I date you?" She asked like it was the most obvious thing
Jamie looked broken as he walked away from them
Steam rises from Izuku's body as he glowed a red color
Izuku walked into the temple after putting Eri to sleep
Izuku:"he ask to date someone right in front of their lover" he said furious

Izuku walk into the temple gem door and went to the punching bag in the corner of the room
Izuku:"tomorrow another day" he said to himself

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