-Royal au- Monday

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This is modern time royals
(Mr afton-king-this how he talk)
(Mrs. Afton-queen-this how she talk)
(Michael-prince-this how he talk)
Michael POV:

"Michael you have to find a groom"
"Why, why can't Terrence be king, he already has a love interest"
"Because you are next in line love"
"But Im gay can't I have a husband"
"We already went over this"
"And Ive been looking at all the other princes they were either not my type or just brats"
"Look Mike we have waited and if you can't find someone in a week we will"
"Im sorry sweet pea but we have too"
"But Terrence is only a few seconds younger then me and has a gf, I don't think anyone would care"
"Michael Schmidt Afton we are not arguing about this, he may be only a few seconda younger but you are the oldest and will follow the rules, upholding our family pride"
"Ugh! Im going to my room"
"Michael wait!"
"Love just let him go you know he wants to be alone right know"
"He wants to be alone because he is going to be put into a forced marriage"
"Well seeing how he reacted when you sided with me, he probably doesn't to talk to you"
"I know but I still want to comfort him"
"How about we go over the body guard applications, that might make you feel better"
"Ya I can't wait to see his face"

I hear them walk off after that, body guard applications? See who's face? What do they mean, I walk back to my room trying to figure out what they mean. Are they talking about the faces of the applicants, probably even though they only said one person, maybe they have a favorite, most likely. But why are they hiring body guards, we have enough knights to guard us, maybe its for Elizabeth or C.C since they like to go out a lot. Im going to go to bed but after I finish up the research work I didn't just forget about till now, ugh I hate having to study for school and home, I much rather just read. I finish up and fall asleep, I have dance practice tomorrow and I don't want to be sleep deprived.

I was in the library the next day till my parents called me, when I arrived I see three people standing in front of me along with my parents at the side. The one on the left seemed to be my height and had brown eyes with brown hair, the one in the middle was an albino, she has white hair and eyes, I find them really cool and just a bit taller then the other one, then the one on the right...he has blonde hair and blue eyes...his height was taller then the other ones and he looks so handsome. I couldn't stop staring at him till my parents called out my name.

"Mike we have chosen three body guards for you now you just need to pick one you like"
"What? They are for me"
"Well you will be king soon and to make sure you are safe we are hiring a body guard"
"I-uhm the uh third one?"
"Are you sure?"
"I have never needed to do this"
"Would you like to look at the applications"
"Yes please"

I walk over to mama and look at the papers, they all seem to have same traits except for a few differences here and there. I like the third one, apparently his name is Noah, his personally seems good, his fighting skills will come in handy, he looks scary probably just because he towers over me and he's just hot. I told mama and dad the one I wanted and was told to get to know them more and was sent of to my room to talk to him. I open my toom door and sat on my bed while he just stands there looking at me.

"So uh hi?"
"Soo~ what do you like to do..?"
"You don't seem that good at small talk my lord"
"Ew no never say 'my lord' again and I was told to talk to a stranger in my room"
"You chose me"
"Doesn't change the fact that I don't know you"
"Right sorry my prince"
"Just call me Micheal"
"Alright Mr. Michael"
"We are around the same age don't call me Mr."
"Then Sir. Michael?"
"Just Michael nothing more nothing less"
"Im sorry but your parents told us that we have to use those titles (I don't know if that's the right word)"
"You're my body guard why are they giving you rules"
"They want you getting used to those titles"
"Mm just call me Michael when its just us and you can call me whatever infront of my parents then" I flopped onto my back
"Do you have a specific one you would like?"
"No just don't call me 'my lord' that's so uncomfortable"
"Ok..Michael" my alarm went off
"Aw man already?"

I got up and fixed my hair, I have to go to our study for my class. When I get there I see our private teacher setting something's up, I walk in and grab what I need while Noah sits out at the door. During the whole class Noah was just standing there, even guards move every now and again. When I finish class I head to the library with Noah following me, this is just weird. When I got there I chose a book I have yet to read and sit at a table near the bookshelves, again Noah is just standing there.

"Come sit"
"Sorry Miche-"
"That's an order"

He sat stunned fot a good second before he sat down.

"Grab a book or read with me" Not me wanting to read with him.
"Sorry but I need to stay alert at all times"
"There is a guard right over there"
"I need to stay alert at all times"
"Noah come over here and I'll read the book to you"
"Why do I need to be next to you, you can read it like this
"I find that people understand easier when they can see the words"
"Then I will be distracted?"
"Fine watch me read a book, weirdo"
"As you wish"
"Really you're acting like I had any say in the matter"
"Whatever do you mean~" He said with a sarcastic smile
"You seem a little too comfortable with a prince you just met"
"Oh do you not want to be casual? I thought since you wanted me to call you Michael, that you want me to be casual with you"
"Just making a comment, compared to how you have been acting"
"I am acting how you and your parents want me to"
"Like your normal self and a serious bodyguard?"
"You are very smart Micheal~"
"Drop the sarcasm before I drop your head"
"Cant handle a little sarcasm?" He pouted
"I draw the line when someone insults my intelligence"
"That's were it is? You seem prideful of your smarts"
"And you seem prideful"
"Thank you!"

He said with a smile I knew was fake but he looked so cute.

"Know shut I'm trying to read"
"As you wish"

Noah POV:

It's so much fun to annoy him, the way he acts is so cute. Hi cheeks had a hint of red when I played around with him, his eyes had a beautiful shine of annoyance and the way his mouth looked ready to lecture me. He also looks so pretty when he's focused, the way he looks down allows the light to shine in the perfect way, his eyes have a gorgeous look of focus and his mouth pressed together ever so slightly. We were maybe here for an hour till I think one of the maids called for dinner, Mike put a book mark in and put away the book going to the dinning room. I obviously follow him stopping right next to the door inside the dinning room, he sits down waiting for the food to be passed out. I'm kinda listening to their conversations but it's mostly just the kids talking about how Mike has a body guard, he looked like he was trying to hide his face maybe from annoyance or embarrassment. Once dinner was finished he went to his room and took a shower, once done he started to work on some papers, going to bed after half an hour had passed. He told me he was going to bed so I left and stood at his door for a few hours till I could go home and take a shower finally being able to sleep.

1466 words, Hey I wanted to do multiple aus and I felt that I needed to move the shapeshifter au to its own book so here, if you have any requests for more chaps and for both books I will gladly accept them since I have ran out of ideas, thanks!

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