Chapter Twenty Two

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Sitting in Jayden's car the next morning was about as torturous as Greg lecturing me at the dinner table. He kept reminding me how I should act, and what I should and shouldn't say— it was honestly bothering me. I shouldn't be forced to hide my feelings because he didn't want drama. I understood he was passive unless provoked and forced to act otherwise but we were two different people.

We reached the school and in the middle of his sentence I jumped out rolling my eyes, starting to speed walk inside.

I only stop when I'm at my locker to collect my books and in seconds he was next to me.

"Jayden I swear to God— stop trying to tell me how I'm supposed to act. I wasn't in a bad mood when I stepped into the car and now I am. I don't have any intentions of starting anything, I'm ignoring them. That's it."

He relaxes, peering at me skeptically but deciding to stay silent. "Now if you're done being an ass, could you hold this for me?" He smirks without response taking the books I was holding out to him, allowing me to fix my locker and organize my book-bag.

It doesn't take long before I hear the voices I planned to avoid, and cringed shutting my locker.

He watched me with lowered eyebrows, "You're not even going to greet them?" I grin moving stray hairs off his forehead before going on my tippy toes near his face, "Nope." And I peck his lips, leaving him to greet my former friends.

I was sure that after I had some time to think and breathe I would be fine, and maybe I could forgive them, but for now I needed some space.

"Bubbles." I instantly twirl around beaming, "Hey sunshine." She hands me a soda and I hastily crack it open, feeling satisfied hearing the fizz.

We start to walk and chat, at some point we pass my former group and they all stare at me in confusion, the only one who wasn't lost was Jayden, but he looked more bored without me than anything.

I heard them all start to bother my boyfriend about my new friend and attitude, and all he could do was glare at me with narrow accusing eyes causing me to smirk.

This pattern had gone on for days before Maddie and Maya actually confronted me.

"So, what the hell is your issue?"

I'm forced to pause and cross my arms raising an eyebrow. I was walking in from the lunch I had spent with Lucinda. Jayden wasn't here again because he was sick, so there was really nothing to break up this fight unless one of us walked away or a teacher came by.

"You're going to have to be a bit more specific."
"Why the fuck have you been avoiding us?"

It surprised me how pissed they were, but it didn't intimidate me. I honestly didn't care about how mad they were, now they knew how I felt.

"I'm hanging out with my other friends."
"You don't have other friends."

I scoff officially done with the conversation, pushing them both lightly out of my way.

"Well I went ahead and made some."

One of them grabs me by my book-bag and yanks me back.

"Why? We weren't good enough for you?"

My eyes nearly roll out of my head, it aggravated me how they victimized themselves. If they really knew me at all they would know I would never stop hanging out with them for no reason. I wouldn't just get bored of them, there's almost always meaning behind my actions.

"You think that's the case? That I just got tired of you guys?"
"Why else would you suddenly start to ignore us?"

My hands flew up in evident frustration, "Because you guys were assholes! That's why I stopped hanging with you two. On the day I needed you both the most, you left me for your boyfriends and not once did you apologize for it. And when I tried to talk to either of you, they popped out of nowhere with full-on PDA. I couldn't stand next to you guys for five seconds without having someone trying to ditch me or make me uncomfortable. So yes, I made more friends and yes I'm distancing myself."

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