Chapter Five

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We call Courtney, hoping she'll pick up.

"Hello, this is Courtney Satellla speaking. How may I help you?" She asks.

"Oh Courtney hi. This is Noah, I'm here with Cody and we need to talk to you." says Noah. He quickly handed the phone over to me, "Um, yeah hi. So me and Noah were talking and then we brought Sierra up and yeah so..."

He gave me a look and took the phone back, "I'm sorry Court. Cody was talking to me about Sierra and he brought up something extremely serious, so we both decided we would go to court. You were our first option for lawyers since you also witnessed a lot of her actions during the show. Do you think you have time to help us or maybe set a time to talk with us so we can get everything ready and settled?" He asked, nervously.

"Okay. We can meet up at some point. I'm free tomorrow if you are?" She says over the phone.

"Um yeah, that'll be perfect. Where do you think we should meet up though?" Noah asks.

"Do you know that *Insert canadian bookshop in *Insert Canadian town?" Courtney asks Noah, he tells her to wait a second while he looks it up.

"Oh yeah, it's not too far from here. I'd be happy to meet up with you there."

He hangs up the phone and looks at me, "Are you sure you're okay with this?"

"Yes, I think it's for the better, whether I like it or not." I say, giving him a small smile to reassure him.

He lays back down with me and gives me a kiss on the cheek.

"You know, we have so many problems that it's not even funny, but when we're together, I feel that all goes away. Sure, we'll bring them up occasionally but that honestly doesn't matter." He smiles and I can't help but peck him playfully on the lips.

"You're cringe." I say, tapping his nose.

"Well you're a twink, so I don't know why you're talking."

For the next two hours, we watched a movie. Since Noah is the best, I got to pick it out.

While watching Legally Blonde, I let my thoughts wander.

What if I moved in with Noah? Would he think it's okay? Wait! What am I doing for the date? Oh, I know. We should go to the coffee shop where we got reunited!


"Huh?" He asks, cocking his eyebrow.

"That's where we'll go for our date!" I beam.

"Okay, and when will that be exactly?" He asks.

"Tomorrow!" I say excitedly.

We went downstairs for dinner because I decided to stay over since the date was the next day.

Noah's family was more accepting than mine. When we told them we were dating, they had smiled and said 'That's what we thought.'

His siblings were the same way, except they liked to tease Noah about it.

Noah's ten year old nephew was the most talkative of the group, asking question after question.

The conversation from Noah to Caiden (His nephew) went something like this:

"What's it like dating a guy?"

"Um, I don't know. Cool I guess?"

"Is it like dating a girl?"

"I wouldn't know."

"Are you going to be with him forever?"

"I- Uh, I'm not sure."

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