0.5) Introduction

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Howdy, I am LindinCapps, the author. Just a few things to say before I start the sixth book.

1. I do not own the Percy Jackson or Harry Potter franchises. Those belong to Rick Riordan and J.K Rowling, who have both written fantastic novels.

2. The story is based in the magical world of Harry Potter. I've placed Percy, and a handful of other demigods, into the story.

3. Some parts of the story are my own. Percy has changed some (his looks, his history, his personality a tad) and that is just for plot purposes, or because I was trying to prove a point. I love Rick Riordan's Percy with all of my heart, and my own rendition of the character, or any other characters I've changed, is not me saying I did not like how they were done. This is just how I am doing them.

4. Annabeth does not exist in this story. Instead, I have made Draco a son of Athena. I wanted an original and main Harry Potter character to be a main demigod. I was going to make Hermione a daughter of Athena, but read a Tumblr post about how Draco wasn't all that bad. I thought about how Draco tossed Harry his wand, been second in class, and even tried to shake Harry's hand. I figured that if Draco were a son of Athena he would have helped the side he truly believed in, been intelligent but still struggle due to dyslexia, and try to make friends with people who could get you to the top. Also, I figured I could make the story a little spicy and gay. With parental homophobic issues of my own, I feel the need to put something from the LGBTQ+ community into every story I write. I also wanted to see if I could focus on the story more than the relationship. Of course, if you are here for the relationship of two gay sixteen-year-olds, there are chapters dedicated to them cuddling. If the fact that characters in the story are gay offends you, then please get off of the story and find something else to read. I respect your right to an opinion, though I do not partake in your opinion itself, and would be happy to have a civil conversation on the subject with you. However, if you comment on my story preaching the evilness of the LGBTQ+ community, I will preach how your inability to ignore what has absolutely nothing to do with you is reflective of how uninteresting and worthless your own life must be.

5. I would appreciate it if you guys would inform me about any spelling or grammatical errors I've made. As an aspiring author who still has much to learn, this would be greatly appreciated.

6. As it was with the last book, I do not have every chapter finished. At the time of writing this introduction, I have NO chapters written (I have failed). The schedule will remain unchanged (every Saturday CT) unless I say otherwise.

7. I started writing this book during November of my senior year. I am, most-obviously, a goody-two-shoes who gets my schoolwork done on time and participates in community events. I have a lot of work to do both as a student and in preparation for college. Chapters may be posted late or not written as well. Hopefully this won't be a problem, but I figured a heads up was in order, especially as sometimes things pop up that I don't even know are happening. Just yesterday I found out I would be serving food at the Veteran's Day banquet my school held. I did get to eat the food, though, so the surprise was worth it.

8. I started writing this series so I could get better at writing more original stories. At the moment I am writing my own original story, which will hopefully be finished before I graduate (though that is seeming increasingly more unlikely). This series has allowed me to learn so many great things, and I hope to learn more from it — don't be surprised if you see me experimenting in various literary techniques.

9. I downloaded a copy of the book through a website because I cannot afford to buy it digitally and cannot carry around the physical copy with me wherever I go. There's always a chance of this book being a bit unreliable and missing content or containing errors (especially as I believe I downloaded the British version, and I don't know all terms). One notable issue is that it doesn't include quotation marks, instead just using apostrophes, which pisses me off greatly but is tolerable in the name of fanfiction. I have purchased a physical copy of the book, and have done that for every book, so I still am supporting the creator (financially, not with other notable issues). It is just easier for me to write with the digital copy.

10. This is the book where time gets a bit wonky. You can see this very early on, as in the original Half-Blood Prince, Harry goes to meet Slughorn weeks after the end of the fifth book. But for Percy to be there with him, that would have to occur before his birthday — which I vetoed. Basically, I have to push back some stuff for this to work out. Harry will meet Slughorn later, just as Percy will go missing for HoO later. I will do my best to work around these odd time issues, but if you do find any problems with it, know that I have tried.

11. Last but not least, I'd like to thank all of you for reading this story. It means so much to me to be able to see that so many people are reading these chapters. Thank you. I mean it.

WOOWOOWOOWOO WE MADE IT TO BOOK SIX GUYS. This is literally insane. I'm so thankful you guys have followed me through to this far.

Anyway, I hope you guys have a great time reading this story. Love ya!

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