Chapter 1

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"Hey! Hey! My Yelan is the best, apart from being beautiful and elegant, her assets are also big." That's what one of the Genshin character enthusiasts said in class. "No! My Ayaka is the best, apart from being from a respectable family, her appearance is charming and has the dignity of a royal princess." said the other enthusiast. My ears heated up hearing their disgusting words, I went to the three of them at their table and kicked the table until it bounced, "OI! Looks like you guys really enjoy your disgusting talk, huh?", I said with a mocking smile. they were frightened by my arrival with a fierce and threatening face. "You better stop or you will have nightmares for a whole week!", I threatened them by facing my fist towards them. "O-okay (Y/N), we'll be quiet....." they both said. everyone was whispering about the incident earlier, I was the delinquent boss at this school, all the school delinquents submitted to me without exception, my seniors also submitted to me. no one doesn't know me in this area, everyone is afraid of me.

"Boss, just leave the losers alone, you don't need to spend any energy to deal with them. Just leave it to us," said my subordinate. "CHIH! I really can't stand their bullshit, what they boast about unreal characters and what they are crazy about. I really hate it!" I said in a harsh tone. As you know, I really hate people who don't think realistically, they are trapped in their world of imagination and fantasy and ignore the world they should be facing. "I'm going to the roof, don't anyone follow me!" I said in a high tone.

 I went to the school roof to smoke, I took out a cigarette and lit it with a lighter, there is nothing more relaxing than the first puff of a cigarette. "What the hell are they thinking?" I said. I really can't stand hearing their chatter, of course this sometimes makes me curious about Genshin Impact, what makes them so crazy about the women in the game? what a stupid thing. Previously I had tried the game before because I was curious, but I ended up not continuing it because the game was disgusting and boring and lasted only 10 minutes, not as interesting as MOBA games like the ones I played with my subordinates.

someone was approaching me from behind, I was aware that someone was approaching me but I assumed that it was my subordinates who were approaching me, "I told you not to snicker-", after I glanced behind me, my eyes saw an iron baseball bat flying towards my forehead , I didn't have time to dodge the blow, it hit the vital point of my head. "what... ukhhh.... what are you doing!!" I said with a pained groan. I felt hot and sore in my forehead area, blood started to ooze. "ha... hahahha... s-now who's the loser...." said the person who hit me. My vision was blurry because it was covered in blood and I started to feel my standing balance starting to disappear, I felt very dizzy, without realizing it I fell from the roof of the building which was 3 floors high. "Is this the end of my life.... after everything I've done.... hit by someone at my school and falling from the roof..... well, hell seems to be my next stop" my last words before my head hit the ground and I died on the spot.

It's dark...I can't see anything, is this the afterlife? Am I in hell now? I don't know.....everything feels empty here....that's what I thought in a dark dimension, I'm like a blind person who can't see the world. "It seems like your life isn't going according to your wishes, it's really sad," said ???. "Who....?". the voice echoed in my head, as if it would lead me to my next stop. "I will give you a chance to change your life in another world, in other words you will be thrown into a world you don't know about," said ???. I was surprised, I was given one opportunity to change my life. "You ready?" he said. Without thinking, I agreed to this.

"Okay, the soul transfer process will begin soon, the new world you will live in will be full of obstacles from many things you have never seen before. Therefore, I am giving you relief so that you can survive in that world. You should use your wits to use this bonus," he said.

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