Chapter 2

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"What are you doing here alone?" (Y/n) asked. Lumine was silent and stood up from her seat and left (Y/N) alone, "ah hey! wait! Why She's so cold?" (Y/n) ran after her

"Hey, where are you going?" asked (Y/N) to lumine, again and again lumine just kept quiet. Suddenly she stopped in one place and confused (Y/N). "Hey, what's wrong" said (Y/N ), Suddenly the dimension split in front of her and a portal opened, (Y/N) was shocked to see this strange phenomenon, from behind the portal a creature like a devil emerged.

"This way, princess," said the devil, 'princess' Thought ( y/n) was amazed, it occurred to me that Lumine was a princess from the demon race. But I didn't believe it because that only exists in fantasy stories. "Good job," said Lumine

Lumine entered the portal, when (y/n) wanted to enter after Lumine, suddenly he was blocked and punched in the nose by the demon, (y/n) winced in pain because of the strong blow, the demon entered the portal. (Y/n) didn't waste any time and immediately ran towards the portal before it closed. (Y/n) arrived at the end of the portal, he opened his eyes and saw a view that was very different from the previous view, it looked like an old city that had been destroyed a long time ago, the trees were sparse and the mountains were like piles of gravel, and a large object was seen sticking out in one place that looks like a giant pillar

"What exactly is this place?" Said (y/n), from a distance (y/n) saw Lumine walking into a place like an abandoned, collapsed palace and without thinking, he followed her silently. while walking, the whole place was destroyed to pieces, there were no signs of life here. "Does she live in an abandoned place like this?" Said (y/n). (Y/n) arrived at the front gate of the palace which was guarded by several strange, flying masked creatures

(Y/n) racked her brain on how to trick the strange creature, it occurred to him to create a diversion by throwing rocks at a place that could potentially make a diversionary sound. (Y/n) threw a stone and made a sound that made the strange creature go to check it, slowly (y/n) infiltrated the castle. (Y/n) imagined what event caused all this, a natural disaster. This bothered him. The castle was very large to explore, several times (y/n) ended up at a dead end, "ahhhh, where am I actually!" Said (y/n), finally (y/n) walked in no particular direction until finally he arrived at a place where he saw Lumine sitting on a throne chair with several creatures that (y/n) had seen before at the portal, (y/n) /n) peeked from a distance and watched the situation, suddenly he was grabbed from behind by the collar of his shirt and thrown towards the throne.

(Y/n) grimaced slightly and looked up at the throne where Lumine was sitting, her face seemed a little surprised by (Y/n's) presence, "You're here?," said Lumine. "Erk... Hehehe Hi beautiful, we meet again..." Said (y/n). Suddenly one of the creatures grabbed (y/n)'s head and dropped it to the floor

 Suddenly one of the creatures grabbed (y/n)'s head and dropped it to the floor

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(y/n) groaned in pain, "Damn you!" Said (Y/n). (Y/n) grabbed the creature's hand and blasted the creature's hand with his hand which made the creature hurt, Lumine slightly changed her sitting position and paid a little attention to the duel, "grrkk how dare you!!" Said the devil. "Come here, ugly creature!" Said (y/n). The demon took out a weapon in his hand and lunged at (y/n), armed with his fighting experience in his previous life, he dodged, took a stance and shot fireballs from his hand, but unfortunately the attack was not as effective as before, with a sword in the creature's hand. it slashed through the fireball and lunged him again. "Shit!" Said (y/n) the creature punched him until he flew far away. (Y/n) was in pain and saw the creature emit electrical energy around it and lunge at her at crazy speed

"Shit! Shit! Shit!!!!" (y/n) said panicked. He ran erratically avoiding all the creature's fast attacks, quite a few attacks scratched him, luckily he was good at martial arts in his previous life but still (y/n) wouldn't last long against this unreasonable thing. Until finally (y/n) was cornered and the creature attacked with its sword, (y/n) dodged and got the sword stuck in the wall. But the creature pulled the sword from the wall and pointed it at (y/n). Desperately (y/n) raised his hands in the hope that a miracle would come out that could save him. "Tch!!!" he shouted.

And sure enough, suddenly his left hand released electrical energy and blocked the attack from the creature, (y/n) was shocked by what he had just done, 'why does everything have to happen at a critical moment and is almost dead' he thought. Without thinking. (y/n)'s length touched the creature's body, "EXPLODE DAMMIT!" (y/n) shouted. From his hand a fire emitted from a short distance, blasting the creature until it was blown away, unconscious (y/n) was amazed by the what happened just now, he didn't think that he had other elements besides the fire element that he had recently mastered.

"Enough" said Lumine. Lumine got up from her seat and walked over to (y/n), "actually who are you" Lumine said, "I am (y/n) and I come from earth" said (y/n), "earth? " said Lumine, "That's right hehehe, you know I once ruled a territory alone" said (y/n) arrogantly. However, Lumine didn't respond to that and immediately continued her question, "Come join me" said Lumine, offering to (y/n)

To be continued

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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