chapter 1 My so-called Fairy Tale life

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NOTE: Hi everyone! I'm back and to get back into finishing this fanfic, I'm rewriting them! better new ideas flowing and I hope everyone enjoys the new stories!!

It was 20 minutes before closing at the All for One bookshop. Izuku was humming to himself as he set about doing his closing the shop for the night chores. He finds pleasure in his daily life. He owned a bookshop that was doing as well as possible in this day and age. There wasn't anyone in the shop at the moment. The idea of closing up early and savoring a good meal in his apartment crossed his mind. Izuku tried to not flinch when he heard the bell jingle on the door as someone entered the shop. So much for getting out early. Pausing his task of organizing books, he turned and surveyed the room for the newcomer. His eyebrow went up slightly. Whoever they were, they were bundled up from the cold of the night, in a black pea coat, scarf bundled up around his face, and a beanie so only a few spikes of blonde hair stuck out.

Izuku held in a sigh and gave a bright smile. "Welcome to One for All bookshop," he said as he took in the powerful scent of the alpha. 'Wonderful an alpha.' He was alone in his shop with an alpha. It made it nerve-racking to have an alpha in the shop alone. He normally didn't get too many alphas in here.

Moving behind his counter, his safe space. He kept a good amount of space between himself and the alpha, who was eyeing the shop. "How... How can I help you?" Izuku said. The power that rolled off this alpha curled around Izuku in waves of heat. It sweetens the air to Izuku smell. Izuku grimaced, he was not just an alpha.... But a prime. Izuku had to stand straight because he would not show fear to this person.

The alpha, after looking over that shop, reached up and unraveled his scarf. So, it wasn't covering his face. Izuku's eyes drifted over him. He was tall, and handsome, like he could be a model.

Unable to control himself, Katsuki drew in a deep breath. His eyes focus on the guy behind the desk. He couldn't help it. The heavy scent coming from him. Omega, with a scent of greenery and fresh rainfall, like spring. Katsuki looked around again. He entered to evade his adoring fans, who had correctly guessed his identity. Since he was hiding out, he checked out the surroundings.

"Are there any good books available?" He asked, eyes scanning the shelves and shelves of them. Katsuki did little in his off time besides sleep, but he read occasionally. Mostly sci-fi.

Studying the alpha, Izuku's eyes flashed wide. Oh shit, it wasn't just any prime alpha; it was a pro hero number 2 hero. With a shake of his head, he realized he needed to answer the pro hero staring at him. "of course, there are good books... it's a bookshop. Every book here is good for someone." Well, if Izuku wasn't being a sassy jackass. This was one of the top-rank popular heroes. Izuku had seen him many times on TV and in news ads.

Katsuki's eyebrow slowly edged up his forehead.

Shock washed over Izuku, leaving his mouth wide open. "You're... you're Dynamight!" Izuku squeaked, excitement lacing his voice, even though he was trying to hold it back. He's gnawing on his bottom lip. "Is there a type of genre you like?" he stutters out as he turns to the back shelves, pulling a few he thought that a pro hero would read. It was a hobby of his to know most of the pro heroes and their backstories. Though he did not know Dynamight genre for books.

As the pro hero nodded, Izuku noticed Katsuki's shoulder slump. Katsuki had to let out a sigh. So much for not being recognized here. His eyes darted to the street-facing windows, confirming that his group of high school fans had departed. His only challenge now was to confront a green-haired omega.

At that point, Katsuki leaned on the counter. "I like sci-fi, I guess. George Orwell." He said. He was glad that the little omega didn't freak out completely when he came around. Katsuki held in the rumble purr that was building up. The intoxicating scent of this omega is unbelievable. "What's your name?" he breathed.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2023 ⏰

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