Chapter 2: Red's fault

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"Hey Red, are you okay?"
Red slowly opened Red's eyes, but it was all blurry.
"Who was talking to me?"Red said, rubbing Red's eyes. "Oh, it's you TSC, why are you here?"Red groaned, trying to get up. "AH! WHY MY STOMACH HURT SO MUCH?"Red screamed in pain.TSC quickly hugs Red so Red doesn't feel any more pain.
Red was shocked about TSC's sudden move. "Uhh. Well, you are hurt so that's why..."TSC said awkwardly. "Let's go out."Red whispers hugging TSC.
They walked out of the room, just to see Green sitting on the couch staring at the wall.
"Oh, hey Red. Are you feeling fine?"Green asked standing up and walking to them.
"Hey. Green I am doing fine," Red replied, looking exhausted.
"How's your wound? Is it okay?"Green questioned pointing and also staring at the wound looking worried.
"Yeah, I am fine. Also, should we go to find Blue and ask Blue to help me heal it better?"Red requested.
"Sure! Why not? Let's go!" Green exclaimed.

They wandered around the whole PC but still couldn't find Blue. "Oh! I just remembered that Blue ran inside Blue's Room."Green explained.
They walked to Blue's Room just to hear some sobbing. "I wonder what happened," Red said.
They opened the door and saw Blue sitting on the bed and Yellow sitting next to Blue.
"Oh hey, guys..."Yellow signed putting Yellow's hand on Blue's back. "Blue. Why are you crying? Did something happen?" Red questioned, trying to walk to Blue. When Red walked close to Blue, Blue pushed Red hard. Luckily TSC caught Red.
Red was in shock, Red didn't know what Red had done wrong.TSC was holding Red and Death staring at Blue. Blue shivers when Blue sees TSC's death stare.

Red's POV
What have I done wrong? I don't understand. Why. Do they hate me?

Red's eyes were filled with tears but nobody noticed.
Red slowly walked away while TSC kept staring at Blue. After Red sneaked out of Blue's room Red quickly sprinted back to Red's room and closed the door. Red locked the door and sat down crying. Then Herobrine suddenly appeared in front of Red. "They don't like you..."Herobrine said twisting his head. Then he disappeared. "Maybe what he said was true. They don't like me. I should leave. Maybe tomorrow."

Meanwhile in Blue's room...
TSC was still Death staring at Blue. "Hey, it's fine. Let's-" Yellow "FINE?! WHAT DO YOU THINK?" TSC scolded. Everyone was speechless. "Maybe I was wrong..." Blue admitted holding Blue's arm. "I am sorry for yelling at you I was just too scared that Red would get hurt."TSC apologized and also reached TSC's hands to Blue's, holding them. "It's fine. We all will." Blue said with a little smile on Blue's face.
"Alright and now Blue can you heal Red?" Green suggested. "Sure I probably will," Blue replied.
Just then they realized that Red was not here.
"OH MY ALAN! WHERE IS RED?" Yellow screeched. "Oh no..." Blue whispered standing up.

Meanwhile in Red's room. Red heard Yellow's scream. "Uh oh. They are coming for me..." Red said wiping Red's tears. " I should be packing my things now." Red is packing Red's things while others are running around to find Red.
"Oh, where is Red?" TSC cried peeking into the cabinet. Meanwhile, Red has already finished packing the suitcase and is ready to go. Red opened the window just to see Green looking for Red. Red panicked after Red heard they were going to Red's room. Red had nothing to do but jump off the building, luckily Red lives on the first floor. The sound of footsteps is getting louder and louder, Red jumps off but sprained Red's ankle. Red is in pain especially when Red is already hurt, but hearing their footstep makes Red more sad.

Red wobbled to the portal that led to the Monsterschool. Red got into the portal and also broke down the portal. The other broke into Red's room also but didn't see anyone. Blue felt so guilty that Blue burst into tears everyone saw it and hugged Blue and said it was not your fault even TSC said it was Red's fault...
AN: uhh yeah do you guys like the chapter?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01 ⏰

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