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You stretched your body as you yawn sleepily. 'awh shiet mehn it was GOLD' you wiped the tears forming in your eyes. 'But too much unnecessary deaths tho...' scratching your head in frustration, you rolled your body lazily to get out of bed. Only to bump your head against the floor.

You groaned in pain. "F*cking hell..." Suddenly, you sat your body upright with wide eyes. Supporting your body with your hands, you got up as you run hurriedly to the kitchen, tripping over stairs.

You groaned. "I knew it..." You turned off the stove that's cooking your favorite instant noodle. Well, was cooking. Now it's just a lump of burnt... Abomination.

You grabbed the kettle that is now melted. You winced slightly. "Mom will kill me-" you suddenly stopped moving as you come to a realization "oh, yeah she's dead." You laughed like a maniac. Anyone that heard your words and saw your actions would just think that you're mad. They're not wrong tho, you're kinda screwed in the head, haha.

Without a care in the world, you just threw the kettle into the trash can. Shrugging, you climbed the stairs to go back to your room.

You huffed as you slump your body against the bed. You lazily turn your head, looking at your laptop screen. Suddenly, it started glitching. "The hell? I just bought that sh*t."

You shook your laptop in an attempt to get it to fix itself. Though, it proves to be futile. You widened your eyes as you feel yourself getting sucked into your laptop screen "WHAT THE F---!!!"


You woke up feeling groggy. Still laying down, you flip your body to look around the room. "Where the...?" Without being able finish your words, your sight was being greeted by a blue transparent panel.

[W e l c o m e^^]

"What the F-Flip...???" You clamped your mouth shut, surprised that you can't curse. 'i can't f*cking curse- oh, I can...'



[It is a bad example of a good protagonist to cuss, dear MC^^]

"What- what are you???" You unconsciously tilt your head in confusion. Widening your eyes, you brought your hands to your head to put it in place. Well it IS in place, but you don't usually act THIS cute.

[Nice to meet you, dear MC^^ I'm system 1, programmed to help you go through the program: "KIYOWO MC"^^]

"What's with that cheesy name?" You covered your mouth shyly, as you chuckled beautifully. 'f*ck, f*ck what's this, why am I acting like this??? I can't even say sh*tty' you gripped your hair in horror.

[I'm here to make you the perfect protagonist, dear MC^^]

"What do you mean "the perfect protagonist"? I'm perfect just the way I am!!" You tried to sit up but your body refused to. You groaned in pain. "What did you do to my body, you naughty kid!"

'I can't say brat! It's not even a bad word damn it!'

[Now, now, don't be angry my dear MC^^ I'm here just to do my job^^ no hard feelings, okay?^^]

You hmph-ed, pouting your lips, you angrily said "stop with that bad emoji!!!" You wept as the realization dawned on you that you can't even say rude words. 'i was gonna say disgusting damn it...!' you knelt in your head in defeat. You can't even sit up, let alone kneel in the physical world right now.

Suddenly, you heard a knock coming from your right. Startled, you let out a scream "kyaahh!!"

'oh, god please no...' ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ you cried silently because of your anime-girl scream.

[Dear MC, you can now sit up•~•]

As you read the blue and transparent screen, you sit straight. The knocking got intense as you heard a woman asking for help. "Please! Is there someone in there?! Please help me! I'm scared!" Suddenly, your vicinity turned grey. It looks like time stopped. You look to the birds that was just flying around, now still. You dazedly look at the screen in front of you.

[Main quest:

<A. Open the door and help the lady.>

<B. Don't open the door and look through the peep hole.>

---Choose wisely---

Good luck^^]

"Wha-..." Though confused, you pressed option B. You stood up. No, YOU did not stood up, it feels like your body is being controlled by some external force. You look through the peep hole, a lady with a restless look appeared in your vision.

'wait... Isn't that the lad- monster from sweet home???' you slowly backed away as to not alert the monster. You look around the room to find a black large backpack. You knelt down as you opened the backpack, still keeping your eyes on the door.

You widened your eyes as you found a supply of food and meds. Also... A handgun? You just stayed silent as you hid the handgun in your pocket. The pocket covered it nicely because of its bagginess.

[How is it? My present for you. You're happy, right?]

The screen read. I just ignored it as I heard an electrical guitar being played. Shit. Should I go? She's gonna be fine anyways, so I shouldn't meddle. The vicinity turned grey once more.

[Main quest:

<A. Follow the lady quietly and see what will happen.>

<B. Kill it now.>

---Choose wisely---

Good luck^^]

"WHAT?!?" My eyes felt like it would pop anytime soon by how much I'm stretching it now. "I- I won't choose! Heh- what about it, huh?? System!"

[If you're not going to choose, the system will automatically choose for you^^]

'damn it, damn it! Fine!' you reached your trembling hand to press option A. However...

[Time's up. Automatically choosing: B. Kill it now.]

You chuckled humourlessly. 'I'm f*cked...'

{Die As A Human} SweetHomeVarious X FemReaderWhere stories live. Discover now