Day 1

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Kara's pov;
I'm not new to this camp. But this year there are some new ones. I have to help introduce them. This is a public camp, many different churches go there. All of my church goes, it's only for youth though. I'm the first from my camp it seems. I guess I'll just wait then.  I go to the trunk and grab my bag, I then shut the door and walk through the big doors and I see the camp sign.
I get to the camp and go find who my counselor is.  I love Alex, but last year I had Kaleb. And it was scary. I check the board, cool! I get Alex! Yay! I go to my cabin to see who else is there, I read the paper, Willow, Abby, Kara, Dunkin, Marcus, and Maxine. Yay! I love all of them. Since it's Christian camp, boys on one side of the room girls on the other. I claim my bunk and out my bag down I then go outside and see a whole bunch of people! Luna, Sarah, tanire, and violet are all here!!   And I then see Jeremy, Maxine and Abby! My cousins I run over and give them all a huge. "HEY GUYS!" I yell and give each of them a hug. "Oh my gosh. I better have Alex this season." Maxine says. "Well... I do" I say "was my name on the list?" She asks. "Well.." I say. I can see her getting mad. "We'll have to talk about it.... IN OUR CABIN WE SHARE!" I say. "I GOT ALEX TOO?!" She says again, "YUP!" I say and we all get excited "girls these days." Jeremy says while rolling his eyes. "Someone's jealous." I say. "Nah. Because when the boys get here it's going down." He says. Then his friends pull up. Daniel, Tanire, and Dunkin. "YO. BOYSS!" Jeremy yells running over to them hyper.  My church is definitely a big one. We take over. I see a lot of other people I don't know from different churches.  I think my whole group is here. And there's our head counselor Miss Lexis. That means we're getting started.  "Alright. I've buddies the new kids with older kids, too be there mentor's. Alright so, with Jeremy I have Liam, with Daniel I have Noah, Abby with sawyer, Tanire with Logan, Kara with Ellie, Violet with Jackson, and Marcus with Lucas. Okay. Next, rules. 1. Don't do anything dumb PLEASE. 2. No suspicious activity between and male and female 3. We are here too have fun, but also for god. And 4. No broken body parts in my care, because I don't do well with blood. Got it?" Miss Lexis states. "Got it." We all say in unison. "Good. now, go get ready dinner doors open in 10!" Miss Lexis says again. We all go to our cabins unpack and get our money for dinner. We all walk together to the cafeteria. "I'm sorry but I don't want to be here." Tanirr says. "Yeah because you're lazy and weird." I say. "No. THIS PLACE is weird." He says. I roll my eyes. "You're just as bad as Marcus." Maxine says. "Where's that little girl of yours Kara?" Daniel asks. "She wants to be with her friends. So I'll let her. We JUST started camp." I say. "Yeah. Let her get to know people." Maxine says in my defense. I look back at Ellie and she gives me a dirty look. "Oh my." Daniel says. And we all start laughing. "She'll learn the way we do things soon. Because I don't take nonsense from a frickin 13 yr old." I say. "Real. Liam is chill tho." Jeremy claims. "Must be nice." I say with an annoyed smirk.  We walk in and We have to sit with our little buddies. "Come on Ellie." I say and she walks over and sits and crosses her arms. "Come on! You hungry?" I say to her. "No. But I'm sure YOU are. I mean." She says giving a dirty look. "I actually am. It's salad today. Try it." I say giving her a plate. "No!" She says and shoves the plate and it lands all over me. Everyone's jaws DROP. And she's laughing. "It's okay. It was an accident." I say. Cleaning up. "That was rude." Noah says to Ellie. "Well... too bad so sad." Ellie says.  After dinner we have service so we all go to the altar we all sit while Miss Lexis is preaching and all of a sudden Ellie goes on a rampage. "Blah blah blah. This is so dumb." She whispers. I lightly smack her arm. "Hey. Stop." I whisper. "KARA HIT ME!" She yells. I make a weird look so does everyone else. "WORST. MENTOR. EVER." She says. I stand up "WELL IM ABOUT TO BE THE WORST MENTOR EVER. ENOUGH. SIT DOWN AND PIPE IT." I say. "Ellie. Sit." Miss Lexis says. And continues preaching. After service we all go to our cabins.  All the older kids sit in a circle in the common room as the younger ones are sleeping. "What is it with that Ellie of yours Kara." Jeremy says. "I honestly don't know." I say "she's a real brat. I feel bad for you." Daniel says. "Yeah. I would've lost it by now." Abby says. "Well. If she doesn't stop I'll act just like her. Right back to her." I say. "Oooo! Sweet revenge. I like it." Maxine says. I roll my eyes playfully and smile. We all laugh. "I'm so tired, I'm headed to bed. Night guys!" I say standing up. "SAME. I need my girl rest." Maxine says and we both go to our cabins. Since we're sharing a bunk we sit on the bottom which is hers, and talk for a little while. "Look at this TikTok!" She says turning her phone around. "That's too funny!" I say. "So many new good movies coming out!" She says. "We HAVE to see them ALL. Also- we should sneak out one night and go to a dollar store or something and get snacks, I brought my car." I suggest. "Oh my gosh yes! i CAN NOT survive a WHOLE SUMMER on that gross inedible thing they call food in the cafeteria." She says. She's so dramatic. "It's not that bad." I say rolling my eyes playfully and smiling. "Girls- it's 2 am! Im not telling Lexis that you guys didn't go to bed at 11 pm which is lights out. you guys can stay up but I'm requiring 4 hours of sleep. You gotta get up by 6 for breakfeast. So. Sleep." Alex says. "You're lucky your my favorite counselor." I say. Maxine laughs. "Goodnight to you too Kara." Alex says. "Night girls." Maxine says. "Night." I say. "Good night." Alex says. I get on my bunk and tuck myself in. Plug in my phone and Maxine turns off the lights. I then fall asleep. Pretty good first day I say.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14 ⏰

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