Chapter 9

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In the quiet of her room, Kaya sat under the soft glow of her night lamp, attempting to focus on her studies.

However, the events of the day lingered in her mind, a persistent distraction.

A sense of unease settled over her, and she knew she had to do something to break free from the mental turmoil.

With a hesitant resolve, Kaya reached for her phone and dialed Yuki's number.

The faint sound of music and laughter echoed in the background as Yuki answered.

"Hey, what's up?" Yuki's voice carried the vivacity of the party she was attending.

Kaya hesitated for a moment before speaking, "Can you send me the address of the party?"

Yuki's smirk was audible through the phone.

"Well, well, it seems like Kaya is finally loosening up," she teased.

Kaya, despite her initial reluctance, took a deep breath.

"I need a distraction, Yuki. Maybe a party is what I need right now."

As Yuki hung up, she turned to Hiroshi, who was sitting nearby, seemingly lost in thought while playing with his drink.

Yuki switched to Japanese and said, "リラックスして楽しんでください( Loosen up and enjoy!)"

Hiroshi, with a nonchalant expression, rolled his eyes at his sister's words.

However, he didn't protest as Yuki downed her drink.

With a smirk, Hiroshi raised his glass and gulped down the alcohol, the taste registering only indifferently.

He turned to the bartender and declared, "Open the tab." Then, with a confident tone, he shouted, "Free drinks for everyone!"

The announcement echoed through the venue, and the atmosphere instantly shifted.

Cheers erupted from the crowd, and the night unfolded into a symphony of laughter, music, and the clinking of glasses.


In the dim glow of her room, Kaya carefully selected a dress for the night's adventure.

She opted for a modest yet elegant choice, donning a knee-length midnight-blue dress that gracefully covered her shoulders and flowed gently down her frame.

The fabric was adorned with subtle patterns, adding a touch of sophistication to the ensemble.

Kaya's modesty was preserved with a high neckline and three-quarter sleeves, ensuring that everything was tastefully concealed.

Checking herself in the mirror, she took a deep breath, feeling a mix of excitement and uncertainty.

The soft rustle of the dress whispered promises of a night outside her comfort zone.

She peeked out her bedroom door, ensuring that none of her parents were awake to witness her clandestine escapade.

Convinced that the coast was clear, Kaya tiptoed down the hallway and slipped silently out of the house.

The night air greeted her as she closed the door behind her, and Kaya made her way to the curb, ordering an Uber with a sense of determination.

The car arrived, and as she climbed in, she pondered the decision she had made.

Kaya embarked on a journey into the unknown, hoping that this spontaneous venture wouldn't lead her astray.


Upon arriving at the venue, Kaya was greeted by a towering bouncer who appeared intimidating in stature.

His large frame loomed over her as he asked for her ID.

Hesitant, she handed it over, and after a scrutinizing glance, the bouncer nodded, allowing her entry into the lively atmosphere beyond.

As she stepped inside, regret immediately washed over Kaya.

The scent of smoke and alcohol filled the air, assaulting her senses with an unpleasant odor.

The overwhelming atmosphere made her consider leaving the venue altogether.

However, before she could act on her impulse, Yuki spotted her amidst the crowd.

With a swift rush, Yuki enveloped Kaya in a hug, her vibrant energy a stark contrast to the disconcerting surroundings.

Yuki's outfit was a testament to her bold and fashionable personality.

She wore a sleek black leather jacket that accentuated her silhouette, paired with high-waisted jeans that hugged her curves.

A pair of studded ankle boots completed the look, giving her an edgy yet chic appearance.

Amidst the deafening music, Kaya raised her voice to be heard.

"Is this the party?" she shouted, still adjusting to the loud surroundings.

Yuki nodded energetically and promptly pulled Kaya toward the bar.

Over the pulsating beats, Yuki ordered a "Mango Rapture." Skeptical, Kaya expressed her intent to stay only for 30 minutes before leaving.

With a mischievous smile, Yuki handed her the vibrant drink, assuring her it tasted exactly like mango.

Kaya, remaining cautious, set a timer on her phone.

Yuki laughed at her pragmatic approach and encouraged her to savor the drink.

As Kaya took her first sip, her eyes widened at the delightful taste. "It really tastes like mango!" she exclaimed.

Yuki chuckled at Kaya's reaction.

"See, I told you we'd have a blast! Let's make the most of it!" she declared, ready to usher Kaya into a night of unexpected fun.

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