Chapter 4 - New work, new life

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I called my mum to tell her, for she wasn't a problem, and she told me i would be failing but that now i was 18 years old, i had to have fun and be independent but especially that i was mature enough to make decisions regardless of what others say, this mum always repeated me, every time i had to argue with my head, in every type of situation. I was really happy, from that day my life would be changed, i had constant hustle without any help from anyone else, thing that i had always done, even in just seven years. My mother always worked and ... my father ... let's leave that, is better.

The following morning i began already to look for work, looking for, looking for, but was nothing interesting, nothing he could do in my case, I certainly couldn't pretend to teach dance. There were only tinker as cleaners, baby sitter or postman. I was looking for something more fun, don't pay attention to a baby. There had been four days, no nothing, no interesting work that i could, but i had to hasten, the week was to finish.

I heard a certain hunger pangs derive from my small stomach, I wasn't eating from the morning, I frankly never been a girl who eats much. From when i was small i gotten almost nothing, the pasta, which I hated, the fish that it stunk, i am not eating almost never, and now i am equal, i eat only two quarters of the one who must eat a normal person. Now I am quite lean, but what I say? I am very lean, even if at the age of thirteen i became ... i would say anorexic, i do not i ate and I did a lot of sport, my mother got angry every time i saw refuse food with such insistence. I don't know what impelled me to not eat, but i was convinced that the famine was a pain that disappeared with time is that if you felt a hole in the stomach was normal. However, there are other pain that they didn't go away, the wounds do not heal and the hole in the stomach in this case turns into a vacuum inside of you. 

Anyway,  I was hungry and I needed to eat, it was as if I had not had breakfast, I only ate a biscuit and less than half a glass of fruit juice, I didn't have time to eat because I had to leave to find work.

Great excuse, Elena.

At a certain point i saw a small pub in the center of the city that was called Nando's. The british don't cooked well, but as the weeks pass by now I accustomed, I accustomed to not eat. I remember when I was little, when I saw the children happy to see a plate of pasta in front of them or go crazy for a lunch at MC, I hated the hamburger and all of those things that they had inside. The British eat almost always these things, they aren't like Americans but many pubs in England damage by eating only this type of food. Entering I slid my gaze on the menu, behind the counter, there was nothing good, only dross. There was nothing of genuine, in part a light salad that was offered with the chips, but then I slid my gaze over the menu and I saw a sheet attached to the wall with wrote: "Are you in searching of work? Come to Nando's, we want the beautiful and decided guys, our staff with you can be the best!" As the background there was a man in a jacket and tie with arms crossed.

It was really pathetic but ... thinking about it ...

My face illuminated and a smile exclaimed happiness on my face. It was a nice environment, youth, also welcoming, just what I was looking for! Work and stay in contact with people. A boy not treated with glasses and many pimples observed me from behind the counter with the eyes half closed for the fatigue, he didn't correspond to the characteristics of the flyer!

"Need you something, miss?"

He said to me while he yawn to me in the face, without putting the hand in front of the mouth. But what ways are these?

"Yes thanks, I would like chips with salad please ... but another thing, who do I call for the work that you offer here?"

"Yes, you can talk with the director, now I'm calling him."


"Now Paul is busy but he told me to warn you about that if you want you can do a test tomorrow."

Paul was a man on the handwheel, the director. Strange, however, usually is used to make small questions before you take as an employee a boy or a girl.

"Ok, thank you..."

We shopped for a po of seconds without saying anything ...

"Did you need something else?"

"Five minutes ago, I ordered chips with salad ... are they ready?"

"Oh ... I can't remember ... I give you immediately ..."


How did him not remember? After two minutes I has served, everything was very good and the decor of the room was great.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2015 ⏰

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