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the morning lazily melted into the afternoon as i found myself nestled in the coziness of my new home. i was supposed to be out buying grocery but i ended up procrastinating, sprawled on the couch as i took a last whiff of my cigarette while listening to music. i extinguished it and began coughing hysterically.

'so if you're ready and if you'll let me,'

"i wanna see it in motion, in 3d," i sang as i doodled something lazily using my hand. my eyes and the ceiling stared back at each other. "what do i need? mmm, okay. i need eggs, milk and bread. i gotta have those." i continued, "vegetables, tomatoes, lettuce, carrots. and uh, whatever else i can find and need." i coughed.

'cause you know how i like it, girl'

"oh and, chips. like, all the chips. and chocolate. instant noodles is a must." i mentally noted and sat up. " i also need—."

knock! knock! knock!

a sound resonated out of nowhere. i paused everything i did and listened again. was that the door?

knock! knock! knock!

it's the door, i confirmed and strolled towards the door to open it. once i had swung it open, the cute guy from next door, huening kai stood on the other side with a friendly smile playing on his lips.

"hey, y/n right?" he asked to which i nodded. i noted how his eyes crinkled cutely. he also used a lot of hand gestures while asking me. that's cute. "i was wondering if you needed a tour? my mom sent me here to help you."

"oh yeah, i actually need it!" i smiled sheepishly, "i need to get groceries but since i'm new here and unfamiliarized, i ended up lazing around."

"seems like i'm here right when you need it. seems like fate," kai remarked. i bashfully looked away since i could feel myself flushing slightly from his statement.

"wanna go right now?" he asked to which i nodded and hurried to get my belongings.

as we left together, the late morning sun bathed the town in warm hues. "where are we going right now?"

"we're gonna take a stroll around the neighboring cottages then go to the beach that's nearby. hmm after that, i'll bring you to the supermarket." kai chirped. he then pointed to a serene pond surrounded by willow trees, their branches gently swaying in the breeze. "this is one of my favorite spots." he commented, "it's very peaceful."


"yeah! if you want, we can have a picnic together.. it's a nice spot! that is if you want to!"

a smile graced my face as i chuckled and nodded, "that sounds nice." i looked over to the spot, appreciating the beauty of the scene. "do you still go to school?" i randomly asked to which the guy shook his head. "already graduated. my younger sister, bahiyyih does though. me and my other sister, lea, we help our parents out. you know, we own a few stores around here. one of it is a small library up the hills. it's quite near. lea is managing it right now. i'll take over later." lips curling into an 'o', i nodded.

"air is very fresh here." i mumbled. huening kai chuckled, "it really is."

"you been to the city?"

"yeah. i studied there. even though i got a degree, i decided that just living my life here would be better than surviving in seoul."

"i see," i trailed. "but if you ever lived in the city, what would you work as?"

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