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[ Y/N's POV ]

the rooftop unfolded before me, a quiet sanctuary beneath the starlit sky. the cityscape below shimmered in the soft glow of distant lights, a canvas of muted hues with the moon casting its gentle glow.

"i wanna feel human again."

a gentle breeze, cool and comforting, whispered through the unseen strands of my invisible form. the rooftop, bathed in the silver glow of the moon, became a realm of serenity. a desire to be seen, to experience the world in a tangible form, tugged at my ethereal essence. with a subtle shift in my celestial energy, i allowed myself to become visible to human eyes, embracing the fleeting sensation of corporeal existence in the quiet of the night.

as the night wore on, a smile tugged itself on my face. i felt my hair being tousled by the cool breeze. i felt my hands being pressed against the rough wall-like surface of the rooftop. i felt human. it was a feeling i had missed—the touch of the night air, the soft hum of the city, the weight of existence in a world of substance. as a cupid in my cupid form, all these tiny details never felt this alive.

with the rooftop beneath my feet and the stars above as my companions, i couldn't resist the urge to speak to the cosmic wonders that adorned the night sky. the twinkling celestial bodies, each a distant beacon in the vast expanse of the cosmos, held a connection to the world i came from—the cupid realm.

i gazed upward, and with a gentle whisper, "hello, my celestial friends," i murmured, the words carried away by the night breeze. "do you see the dance of hearts down here?"

a soft rustle in the night seemed to respond. "do you bear witness to the passions, the joys, and the heartaches that unfold beneath your watchful gaze?"

tap. tap.

"i can feel millions of hearts intertwining right now." i hummed, "can you feel it too?" the stars twinkled. "can you feel the aching hearts too? i can feel one aching quite strongly." i pondered.

tap. tap.

i glanced at the door that led me to the rooftop. is someone coming up? the sound grew louder and i hurriedly rushed to hide behind a wall, my form still visible. the thought of turning myself invisible slipped. yeonjun?

 i watched as the boy approached the edge of the rooftop with his shoulders hunched. in his trembling hands, he held a frame.

he's not drunk tonight, i noted.

silent tears traced a path down his cheeks, mirroring the soft shimmer of the night's tears above. the night breeze carried the echoes of his stifled sobs. my heart ached as i observed him. yeonjun's lips trembled and he was saying something under his breath. "i miss her so much." i mouthed to myself, reading his lips.

"i don't understand why she left," he continued now louder, frustration lacing each word. "i thought we had something real. something worth fighting for."

i continued to watch him in silence. "why couldn't i do anything to make her stay?" he lamented. "i gave her everything," he sobbed. "i don't understand how it all fell apart. wasn't my love enough?" his grip on picture frame tightened. "i thought we had a future," he murmured, his gaze fixated on the distant horizon. "but now, all i see is an empty space she used to occupy. it's like she took a piece of me with her when she left, and i don't know how to fill that void..."

"i don't even know who i am without her," he confessed, his voice barely audible. "she was my everything, and now i'm just nothing."

as yeonjun poured his heart out, my heart ached even more as his cupid.


shit! i winced, pushing myself back to wall in surprise. i accidentally misplaced a step, creating a noise that caught yeonjun's attention. oh my god, i shouldn't be seen by him!

"who's there?!"

i'm supposed to guide him while being unseen! i bit my lip, grumbling. what should i do? think fast! gulping, i had only one solution to this tiny mess i caused. taking a deep breath, i decided to reveal myself.

"hey, i'm sorry if i startled you." i stepped out. i noticed yeonjun quickly wiping his tear-stained eyes. his nose looked puffy and red. his shirt had damp stains caused by his tears. we awkwardly stood there— or maybe it was just me who was awkward but yeonjun had already looked away.

"i don't mean to intrude on your space," i began, my voice carrying a gentle cadence. "but i think it might be nice to share the night with someone."

yeonjun stared at me. i gave him an awkward yet friendly smile.

"okay," he finally spoke, offering a hesitant yet genuine smile. he patted the space beside him and i quickly went there, leaving a generous gap between us. "i'm yeonjun." he began. "you got a nice name." i replied, reciprocating the smile. "i'm y/n."

a warm smile played on my lips as i spoke, "it's a beautiful night, isn't it? sometimes, just being under the open sky helps clear the mind."

yeonjun agreed with a hum, "really clears my mind."

as we continued to watch the stars, a comfortable silence settled between us. i pointed towards a particularly bright star in the night sky. "do you ever make wishes on stars?" i asked, a playful glint in my eyes. "there's something magical about the idea, even if it's just for fun."

yeonjun's gaze followed my gesture, and a faint smile touched his lips. "i used to when I was a kid. haven't done it in years, though."

"it's never too late to make a wish," i teased, hoping to infuse a lightheartedness into our conversation. "who knows, the universe might be listening tonight."

i am listening to you tonight, yeonjun.

he chuckled, the weight on his shoulders momentarily lifted. "alright, why not?" he said, his eyes fixed on the star-lit canvas above. "i wish for... happiness. love. simple, but it's been... tricky lately."

silence fell between us yet again. "why are you here tonight?" yeonjun asked, changing the topic whilst glancing at me. "couldn't sleep," i lied with a shrug. yeonjun hummed. 

"what about you?"

from the corner of my eyes, i noticed yeonjun biting his lips. "i..." he stammered, "had a lot in mind."

"i hope my company helped you somewhat in a way." i gave him a half smile. shifting from one foot to the other, yeonjun replied. "for a moment, you shifted my focus on to something else so thank you."

"i'm glad—" KRRRINGGGG!

yeonjun's phone rang and he hastily picked it up. "i have to take this. see you again." excusing himself, he headed towards the staircase down. soon, he vanished from my sight and i was left alone. the stars above twinkled and just then, right before my eyes, a key suspended in the air alongside a note — one that only cupids can see.

"dear y/n,

as the stars witness your journey, we bestow upon you a place in the earthly realm—a home right beside yeonjun. here, you may observe, guide, and foster the warmth of connection. let this key unlock the door to shared moments and whispered dreams. the celestial realm stands with you in your mission.

with celestial love,
the celestial council of love."

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