Chapter 2

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We went to our garage and rode our bikes to Jimin's house.

After sometime

We reached, Jimin's house was decorated beautifully. The decorations were all perfect, but he doesn't know about it because it's a surprise. We are going to surprise him.

Namjoon: Oh! Hello Hyung and bunny. (Dimple smile)

Jin: Hello Joon, how it's going??

Namjoon: Everything, is ready Hyung, we are just waiting for him to come. He will be surprised and shocked to see it.

Jungkook: Ya, that's why it's always called a surprise because it surprises people.

Jin: Yeah

Taehyung: Oh oh!! Jimin's coming, Jimin's coming, everyone hide.

We all hide ourselves not forgetting to switch off the lights. It was complete dark, only footsteps can be heard.


Ah!! I am so tired today, but still, I am happy because today is my birthday. I am so much happy, but wait, none of my friends wished me today. Did they?? No Jimin what are you thinking, it can't, it just can't be. But I guess they forgot my birthday, how come did they forgot my birthday?? It's okay, I still wove them, they must be stressing because we are detectives you know. I reached my home with a sad expression. I opened the door finding it complete dark, I was hoping the lights would be on and all my friends would be wishing me when I enter, but wait how can they?? I live alone now yes, I have to shift in my new house and that to TODAY!!! LIKE WHY THE HELL TODAY, CAN'T I CELEBRATE MY LAST BIRTHDAY IN THAT HOUSE WITH MY FRIENDS. Then suddenly all lights got on automatically and what I saw in front of my eyes made me emotional. It was written in bold letters. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY JIMIN-AH" and suddenly everybody came out shouting together making me flinched.

All six members: "HAPPY BIRTHDAY JIMIN-AH"!!!!

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All six members: "HAPPY BIRTHDAY JIMIN-AH"!!!!

I was beyond happy. I was wrong, they didn't.....they didn't forget.

Jimin: Thank guys, I love you all so much!!! (crying)

Taehyung: Hey! Why are you crying (worried)

Jimin: No! I am not crying, it's just tears of happiness, that I am happy you all remember my birthday.

J-hope: How can we forgot this day, huh??

Yoongi: Come let's cut the cake (sleepy eyes)

Jin: Seriously Yoongi, on this day too you are sleeping, you are just unbelievable ( sighs in disbelief)

Yoongi: Sorry Hyung, I will not sleep (sleepy eyes)

Jin: But you are still sleeping.

Jimin: It's okay Hyung, Yoongi Hyung can sleep if he wants, besides you all must be tired

Yoongi: Thank Jimin-ah

They all cut the cake and had fun between them, laughing, giggling and like that their whole day passed. Now it's time for them to say goodbye to each other. But who knows what was coming for them

Jimin: Thank you Hyungs, bunny and Tae. I had great fun. I love you all.

All six: No need to say thanks. We are your family, who will protect you Jimin/Hyung.

Jimin: Thanks guys!!

Jungkook: Group hug!!!!!

Then they all did a group hug.

Namjoon: Jimin should we stay with you tonight as this place is new to you and very lonely too, so...,??

Jin: Yes, should we stay with you Jimin, I might say you will fill scared.

Jimin: Ani, Ani!! I am okay, I will be fine, besides we all will meet each other tomorrow.

Taehyung: Are you sure you're, okay???

Jimin: Yes, completely fine

Jungkook: Okay then, we'll meet tomorrow, bye

Jimin: Bye everybody!!

All six: Bye!!!!!

They all bid goodbye, Jimin was beyond happy but little did he know that his happiness was till his birthday. He went inside and locked the door.
















Hola! my readers I am back with soooooooooooooooooo many struggles, but still i wrote it. that's my determination. Anyways how's the second chapter. I hope you guys loved it, BUT STILL THERE ARE NOT MANY VOTES!! THIS IS UNFAIR, but i will wait for it and i guess i would be back with a new chapter tomorrow, i guess. Till that time enjoy our rest ffs. 

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