Announcer x Reader

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Hi there :)
i'm really sorry for disappearing for a month again, i had awful writers block and was drowning in homework :,/
Now that i came back from the dead, I can write again! I got kinda better at english so my vocabulary should be more elaborate >;)

Note : I noticed some of you left new requests on the request page. I didn't take them because they are closed. Please patiently wait for them to reopen.

Requested by Lola_sanrio0

Notes :
-Gender neutral reader (they/them)
-Fluff :3
-O/N = object name
-O/N and Announcer are together from the start, this is just a silly billy scenario ;3


Today's a lovely day, right?

Sunny weather, chirping birds, not a cloud in sight. That day was perfect.

O/N was themself shocked at the quality of the skies today, but they saw an opportunity and seized it.
They ran to their phone, dialing that number they knew so well. It rang a few times before...

"...Bzzzt ...O/N? What do you need?"

"Announcer! Have you seen the weather? We have-"

"We have to go out, i know. Does the park sounds okay? 3pm?"


O/N quickly hung up, their movements now fueled by joy. The wait for the afternoon felt endless, but it was entirely worth it.
The way to the park felt even longer, as if the streets had elongated on purpose to keep O/N waiting.

But when they finally got there and crossed the giant silver gates of the park, relief took over. O/N ran to that beloved gray silhouette as soon as they spotted it, hugging him from behind. Announcer was startled, but quickly turned around to return the affection.

"Beautiful day, hm? Though i think i know someone prettier."

O/N couldn't help their face getting red at the flirting.
The two began their happy romantic stroll, occasionally glancing at the sky, though neither of them seemed to notice how clouded it was getting.

They only reacted when the first raindrops started to hit.

"What's going on? It was sunny just a second ago!-"

Before O/N could completely finish, it started absolutely pouring as if they were under a waterfall. Announcer grabbed O/N's hand and ran for shelter towards a nearby store. It was closed and the best they could do was to hide under the fabric roof on the wall above them.

"...Sorry. I'm the one who wanted to go out and now we're stuck under some of the heaviest downpour i've ever seen..."

"Don't sweat it. At least we're together."

O/N faintly smiled and sat down leaning against the wall.

"It looks like we're gonna be stuck here for a bit. Might as well get comfy."

Announcer joined O/N against the wall leaning on them a bit. They let their head fall on his shoulder


A comfortable silence settled between them, only broken by the violent slapping of the rain against the concrete. Thunder cracked through the skies, causing O/N to jump slightly.

"I never took you for the kind to be afraid of thunder."

"I'm n-not afraid of thunder! I was just startled. It's not- AH!"

The thunder kept roaring and O/N needed to stop lying to themself.

"Fine! I'm afraid of thunder, terrified even!"

"Glad you've admitted something to yourself today. But look, you're safe. It's just noise and it can't hurt you."

Announcer pulled O/N closer, wrapping one arm around them. They leaned into it, snuggling closer as the storm kept screaming, slashing the sky with bolts of light.

"Thank you."

"I love you O/N."

"I love you too."

Merry christmas! I wrote all my requests and they will reopen soon, stay tuned ;)
623 words

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