Chapter 5

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"You and I are going to go somewhere private for a bit of fun. Naughty girls need punishing after all."
Binna squirms, panicked and afraid, yelling out for help, but her cries are lost in the loud music and crowds. The man covers her mouth even so. "Shut up bitch! Oh, you're asking for it!"

But before he can get any further with Binna a swift, hard punch lands on the man's face. The strong impact causes the man to fall backwards, letting go of Binna.

"I believe the lady said no! Asshole!"

Binna stares in awe at the man now in front of her. The one that came to her rescue. Jungkook fiercely stares down at the creep on the floor. But the man just scowls, getting to his feet. "How dare you! Do you know who I am?! I should have you fired!"

"I don't give a damn! Now leave! I won't ask you again."

Scoffing, the creep dusts off his jacket. "Fine! But I'm taking the lady with me. Me and my missus need to have some private time."
He reaches his grimy bony hand out to touch Binna and Jungkook snaps, swiftly grabbing his wrist and squeezing tightly. The man's yelling out grabs the attention of those closest and it is not long before word travels round the room of the confrontation.
"Don't you dare touch her with those filthy hands of yours!" Jungkook growls and Binna feels shivers ripple down her spine at his tone. She can't help but bite her lip at the dark look in Jungkook's glazed-over eyes.


A loud voice booms causing the whole room to go silent. The president then marches over to assess the chaos. Jungkook lets go of the creep's wrist and turns to the president. "Apologies sir for the disturbance. I was just in the process of removing this threat."
The creep yells before lunging at Jungkook. "BUT I'LL TEACH YOU A LESSON FIRST BOY!" He swings his arms wildly, trying to land a hit and only rarely succeeding. But swiftly the man's attack ends up thwarted by Jungkook's quick reflexes. The fight was almost over when it began as it took mere seconds for Jungkook to have him pinned. The president looks satisfied with Jungkook's work and gives him an approving nod. Jungkook pulls the creep to his feet but remains holding his arms behind his back.
Seeing the creep's face, the president scowls. "YOU! Barnabas! I banned you from all events because of your heinous behaviour! You should be rotting in jail!" The creep says nothing and the president turns to his daughter who is trembling behind Jungkook.
"Binna my dear! Are you alright? Come here!" He opens his arms and Binna runs into them. "Oh, Daddy! This wicked creepy old man tried to kidnap me! He was harassing me Daddy and wouldn't let me go! And then tried to make off with me so he could abuse me!" She exclaims.
The president frowns, glaring at Barnabas. "HOW DARE YOU LAY A FINGER ON MY DAUGHTER. YOU VILE CREATURE!! JAIL IS NOT NEARLY ENOUGH FOR YOU!" He turns to Jungkook. "JK, take him outside and teach him a lesson. The police will collect him after but it is not merely enough for what he's done."
Jungkook simply nods before escorting Barnabas, who is wriggling like a fish on a hook, outside.

President Choi turns to his daughter, "Binna dear, please stay near me until your bodyguard returns. Binna simply nods in response and he looks at her with a warm smile. "Now then, let's not let this ruin the night. How about a father-daughter dance for old time's sake? Only no stepping on my feet this time. My old flippers are getting fragile."
Binna giggles. "Okay."
The two re-enter the dance floor and the president immediately starts with his cringy dad dancing to try and get Binna to laugh. In response, she cracks a small smile and joins in with her father's crazy antics.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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