Prologue pt1

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Five-year-old Noreh Foster was bored.  

It wasn't unusual for her to get bored, but right now she was really bored. She sat on the edge of her bed, still staring at the book she'd just finished. The last one in her favorite series. She'd been looking at it for over an hour, crushed that it had ended.

She shouldn't be able to read so well at her age, but her and her twin sister, Sophie, had 'advanced minds' as their father told them. For someone with an advanced mind, Noreh didn't know what the word advanced even meant.

She was upstairs in the small room she and Sophie shared, while Sophie had been sent outside to play with the neighbor's daughter when their parents caught her listening to an argument.

An argument about the two sisters.

Noreh understood why they were often confused about Noreh and Sophie. The twin sisters didn't look anything alike, Sophie with golden hair and brown eyes, while Noreh had pale, snowy hair and light purple eyes. Their parents were both brunettes and had green eyes, and Amy, their little sister, was the only one to inherit those features.

Not to mention the fact that both the twins could read and write at the age of five, while Amy, at four years, couldn't even write her own name, much less read an entire book or encyclopedia.

Noreh glanced out the tiny window and spotted Sophie sitting on the steps of their house, reading instead of talking to their neighbor. Noreh rolled her eyes, not understanding why her sister would be reading an encyclopedia.

She sighed and put the book back on the bookshelf and turned to head downstairs, curious to see what dinner would be. When she got down there, though, her next door neighbor was standing in the doorway anxiously.

Mr. Forkle held an unconscious Sophie in his arms, talking frantically to the Foster's mother. No one seemed to notice Noreh as she ran down the remaining stairs.

"What happened?" She demanded, looking with terrified eyes at her twin.

"Noreh," her mother said, her voice on the edge of calm. "Go stay with Amy, please. Just until your father gets home, alright? I have to go with Sophie to the hospital."

Noreh shook her head. "What happened?"

"She fell on the steps," Mr. Forkle explained to her. "And hit her head pretty hard. I called the ambulance but they won't be here for another five minutes. We need to stop the bleeding."

At that moment Noreh noticed that the back of Sophie's head was bleeding. She panicked and her vision blurred before she fell to the ground and collapsed.

When she came to, she was in a hospital bed with machines hooked up to her. She panicked and looked around, only finding a wrinkly figure.

"I'm glad you're awake," Mr. Forkle said. "Guess you're sensitive to blood, eh? Not to worry. You'll be ready to stand in a moment. Your parents are with your sister in the next room over. She's still asleep, as far as I know."

Noreh immediately sat up, groaning as the dizziness set in. She blinked a couple times before her vision could go back to normal. Her hand blindly reached out and touched the table by her bed. It immediately turned to ice.

She screamed and flung herself back in the bed, looking at Mr. Forkle. He looked surprised as bright green swirled with the electric blue ice.

"That shouldn't have happened," he murmured, quickly standing. "Stay here—actually, it would be better if you came with me. We can't risk anyone seeing this. Here, put these on. I brought them just in case, but I didn't think it would act up so soon. . ."

He handed Noreh a pair of black silky gloves. They were smooth and cold, and she thought they would turn to ice the second she touched them. But they didn't. She slid them on and touched the wall, but it didn't change. She glanced back at the table and it was still frozen.

"Come along. I need to take you to Physic."


"She's a doctor. She'll be able to help with what's going on. Everything will be fine if you come with me, I promise."

Mr. Forkle opened the door and walked towards the entrance of the hospital, but Noreh took a sharp turn and ran down the hall, searching for Sophie's room. Eventually she found it and threw the door open.

Sophie was screaming about voices while her parents tried to calm her down and doctors stuck her with different needles to run tests. No one noticed Noreh or how a corner of the room seemed to darken as she stumbled over to it.

She stood there and watched the scene, feeling helpless as she just stood there. Her mother was the first to notice her after about an hour and tried to get her to go to the waiting room, but Noreh didn't trust Mr. Forkle and stayed.

The doctors eventually had to sedate Sophie so that she could calm down and Mr. Forkle visited again. She could have sworn he looked in her direction, but he didn't say anything or try to take her again. The only recognition he gave was a slight wrinkle in between his brows in confusion.

The next few days went by and Sophie stopped crying about voices, but she would talk to Noreh about it at night. They eventually came to the conclusion that she was a Telepath. And reluctantly, Noreh told her sister about the ice situation and demonstrated on her old journal.

She'd kept the gloves Mr. Forkle had given her but avoided him whenever she could. Sometimes she'd wake up and she'd have gaps of that one day, but later that day if she thought hard enough she could remember. About a month the blank spaces stopped and her mind was back to normal, but she kept putting up what felt like mental walls just in case.

After all, if Sophie was a Telepath, there could be more, couldn't there? Of course, she never shared that thought with Sophie. She didn't share it with anyone.  

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