2 - Yes or No

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Jungkook's POV

"Here, you can share mine." A sweet voice suddenly spoke from next to me. I turned to thank the woman properly.

"Thank y-" I stutter as I notice the woman on my left.

She wore tan heeled boots which made her tall enough to be around my height - perfect enough to share an umbrella, she also wore a flowing white summer dress - which definitely did not suit this kind of weather!

Her hair was a delicious chocolate brown and framed her face beautifully. Her eyes were big and bright, as rich in colour as her chocolate brown hair.

However, as soon as we stepped out of the stall's shelter, the rain had stopped and the sun began to shine as suddenly as the rain had disappeared.

"I - uh..." I stammered again, feeling and sounding like a complete idiot.

"Well I guess we won't be needing the umbrella now." She smiles sweetly as she gently shakes off the water droplets that still clung to the surface of the material before closing the umbrella.

In the bright sunlight - the kind that seems golden after a shower of rain; and makes you feel renewed and pure - I noticed something twinkling on her left wrist.

She had worn a gold bracelet which had tiny leaves hanging off the chain. The bracelet complemented her wrist beautifully.

I felt myself stare at her wrist intently for a few seconds, before I forced myself to look away, feeling embarrassed by the fact that she had caught me staring at her.

"Yeah..." I grinned sheepishly at her, unsure why all of a sudden, I began to feel so shy around her. "Hey, uh... What's your name?" I managed to ask her, now that I've regained the ability to speak in front of her.

"Park Soo-Ah." She answered with a smile, then asked: "And what's your name?"

"Jeon Jungkook." I reply to her, running a shaky hand nervously through my tinted hair. I wasn't sure how she'd take to my name - most women either attempted to snuggle closer (which was sort of creepy) or they ran for the hills. I eyed her enigmatically, hoping she didn't do either of those things.

"Jeon Jungkook..." She said my name out loud slowly, as if recalling where she heard it before.

"The Jeon Jungkook?" She asked me as her eyes widened with realisation. "As in the renowned artist and youngest head curator at the Welsh Gallery of World Histotical Arts and Crafts?"

"You memorised the entire name?" I chuckled, jesting more freely now that we had started a conversation.

She hadn't run off then...

Hmmm... let's hope she doesn't run after she sees me gobble this delicious vermicelli infront of her. Just the smell of the cardamom and cinnamon have my taste buds warering.

Perhaps I should have bought some papad to go with it. The sweet, creamy vermicelli with the crunchy, spicy papad is so delicious.

Oh yeah... I should focus on the conversation I started...

"Ne..." She began to blush. "Actually, I am a big fan of your work Jungkook-ssi. Your work is so versatile and you promote, not just the Korean culture, but all Asian cultures and I love that. "

"Arrasso... thank you!" I bowed to her un return start to blush too at the compliment.

"I uh- I just got some vermicelli, would you like to join me?" I gestured at the polystyrene bowl in my hand.

"Ne, I also bought some. It's It's delicious!" She replies.


Since the sun was out again, we decided to sit on the park benches that overlooked the river nearby. All sorts of birds populated the area, including geese and ducks.

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