✨4. 𝐷𝑒𝑧𝑒𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟✨

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1: It's confusing. And somehow there's no way to make it right. I think it's difficult. And on the other hand it's beautiful. You have someone that cares, worry and makes sure you're okay but on the same time it's difficult

2: Nialls bridge in Illusion

3: Love is not gazing in each others eyes, but looking together in the same direction

4: Liebe und Weihnachtszeit ist in meinem Kopf eng miteinander verbunden. Selbst wenn man Weihnachten allein verbringt, denkt man an jemanden oder fragt sich warum man allein ist. Die, die niemanden haben mit dem sie gemeinsam feiern können, oder die sich einfach trotzdem einsam fühlen, wünschen sich oft jemanden.
Das ist schmerzhaft, aber auch eine Form von Liebe. Und ich denke, das gehört einfach zur Weihnachtszeit dazu, und mach es zu einer so... gefühlvollen? Wichtigen Zeit.
Bin nie so self-aware wie an den Weihnachtstagen (aber es ist da erstaunlicherweise mal nicht unangenehm) :]

5: Ah yes, Love
Many people have tried to describe Love and failed so i wont try. I cant tell you when you know you're in Love, or if its good or bad. It's easy giving the anwser that Love requirerst to be but i dont think i can do it. I Like to read about Love and think if it fits for me. I think Love is different for every person

6: Being there for the other one, doesn't matter what. Not just telling them that you're feeling the same or that you felt often like that already. Comforting them. Ablenken them. Trying to make them happy. Not making them feel like their feelings are egal and that you do not really care. Helping each other out it every shit situations.

7: Trust, fun meetings, calling for hours, knowing each other, accepting, understanding each other without words, insider, consideration

Yayy, besser spät als nie oder so, deshalb hier das 4. Adventskalenderkapitel ^-^ Thanks again for all the definitions✨ Hope you had an interesting and relaxed day <3


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