Chapter 15

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Cecilia POV

I woke up around 6 AM. I was used to getting up early to get my chores done before school. I moved in with my aunt after everything that happened with my sister and father.

I still couldn't believe he believed her over me. But I let the anger go. It was no use. He would barely even talk to me. He cut me off and took everything he bought me away, except for some store bought clothes and shoes.

He then dropped me off with my aunt, who happily took me in. Her husband was in the hospital, but she still took me in.

"I just can't understand why you did this. Ruining the family name just for parties and boys." Father said, on the drive to aunt's house.

"Unbelievable, father. Truly Unbelievable."

I just stared outside the car. I was gonna live in Paris, France. I was ready to do whatever my aunt wanted. We finally got to her little house.

I got out of the car and looked at the house.

(Pretend this is the house)

It seemed cute and comfy. I was so sure I was going to love living here. Especially if it meant being away from them.

Don't get me wrong. I still love my family, including my sister and father, but after what happened I think I might need time away from them. Besides, after a while I'm sure father will let me come back to the house. I'm sure it won't take forever....right?

As I'm thinking about this, my auntie came to greet us. "Welcome, my lovely niece. I'm so glad you're staying here. In Paris. You are going to love it here." She said, as she gave me a huge hug.

Father never hugged me, so I didn't know what to do. So I just stayed still until she released me.

"I'm glad to be here too." I said, nervously.

"Now, come on. Let's get you settled in." She said.

We grabbed my bags from the car and walked to the front door. Father and sister walking behind us.

"This is your house? Smaller than OUR mansion back home. Right, Father?" Ellody sneered.

"Of course it is. Your aunt makes WAY less than what I make. She can only dream of making what I make in a day. That's what she gets for partying and never studying. " Father said.

Auntie rolled her eyes. "Whatever. And look at you. You live such a boring life. At least I love life. Can you say the same?"

"What is life if you don't make money?"

"What is life if you don't live it?" Auntie asked.

That made me look at her. She was right. Life was meant to be lived. Not wasted on making money or stressing about the future. It was then I realized, I was truly going to enjoy living here.

"You sound just like Cecilia. Hopefully she'll see your life and come running back to me. Just you wait." Father said.

"Yeah, whatever. Love ya, bro." Auntie said, smiling.

Father then turned around and walked back to the car. Ellody following right after him. She didn't say anything. She was not going to see me in... maybe years. And yet she said nothing to me.

I decided to break that silence. "I hope to see you soon, sister. I hope you tell me everything that happens to you when I see you again."

She stopped for a second but then started walking again. Maybe she was moved by my words, or perhaps she wanted to say something but couldn't think of something. Either way, she left without a word.

After they left, auntie led me into the house. "Welcome, to your new home." She said, smiling.

My mouth went wide. The house was bigger on the inside. I turned to look at her. "This place is huge."

"Oh, you haven't even seen half of it. Wait until you see your room. Oh, and the pool, gaming room, and many more. I also made arrangementsfor youto attendthe school here. And if you have any questions let me know. I hope you like it here. Now let me show you to your room." She said, carrying my bags up to my new room.

"I think I'm gonna like it here." I said, smiling.

Sorry for the wait. But I hope I can write more in the future. Hope y'all enjoyed this.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23 ⏰

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