🍽️ Chapter 9 🍽️

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Jungkook woke up from sleep on the couch. He has been sleeping on the couch for the last few weeks. His heart hurts but he remembers the night he saw Taehyung.

He walks up stairs to his washroom. He shower's, brush his hair, brush his teeth along with getting change.

Once he done, he opens the door to find none other then his wife.

"Jungkook could we please just talk about this?"
"What's there to talk about Sara? You cheated on me. Currently showing you don't love me enough to be loyal."

He was about to walk away when Sara pushed him against the wall. His face full of anger and desire.

"Jungkook, listen, what I did to you was horrible I know! But I changed and I promise I'll never do it again. I love you and only you." Sara cried.

"Not enough." Jungkook said as he pushed her off to let himself free. He walked down stairs. Grabbed his keys and his jacket from the coat hanger.

"Where are you going?" Sara asked.

"Just going around town. You can invite that guy over so you two won't be bothered by me."

"Omg I told you Jungkook it was a mistake! Why can't you get that into your head!?" Sara yelled.

"Sara! Can't you understand that my trust in you has gone away since you cheated on me. I don't care if it was a mistake! You still cheated. How can I know you won't do it again? My trust in you won't just come back with a simple sorry or it was a mistake! You going to have to earn it!"

Jungkook opens his door and found Taehyung their with a box. Jungkook eyes wide. Taehyung awkwardly smiled at the couple. Jungkook heart was beating so fast at this point. Sara looked far to see a random guy at their doorstep.

"Oh I'm sorry! Am I interrupting something?" Taehyung asked worrying.

"No Taehyung don't worry. I was just about to leave. Jungkook responded.

"We'll, I just came here to give you these. Their cookies I made as a thank you for helping me with the kids. I really appreciate.

Sara looked at Jungkook with wide eyes. Was she hearing right? Where was Jungkook?

"I'm sorry I didn't catch your name. You are?" Sara asked. She was determined to know who this guy was in addition to why was he with Jungkook? She felt anger and jealousy.

"Oh I'm sorry, I'm Taehyung."
"Taehyung? Huh...Well that's a cute name. It's unique." Sara said sounding fake. Taehyung noticed.

"Sorry Taehyung, this is Sara." Jungkook said head down and sounding uncomfortable.

"Oh...hello." Taehyung said. Taehyung remembered that this is the girl Jungkook was talking about that cheated on him. Taehyung didn't like Sara since she broke her old best friends heart. But, she will fake it and hope Jungkook leaves her or find out a solution.

Sara just look at Taehyung with hawk eyes. Taehyung didn't dare to look at her but lay eyes on Jungkook who was right front of him. Jungkook first looked at the box. It was a blue box with and opening which contains chocolate chip cookies. He grabbed the box out of Taehyung hands.

"We'll since I'm here already, I wanted to ask you if you wanted to accommodate me for dinner at the orphanage?"

Sara face was now more red and rage.

"Sorry, he can't he's busy. Right honey? Sara said holding Jungkook arm and looking at him with passive eyes. Jungkook looked at her, finally understand she jealous and angry. He decided to add fuel to the fire.

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