After the first challenge which resulted in the Killer Bass's loss. Duncan suggested either DJ or Courtney to be voted off due to them not jumping. Ezekiel said something which angered the female contestants, resulting in him getting voted off first.
What if Ezekiel didn't say anything?
What if Courtney was voted off first?
Let's find out...
The Killer Bass has lost the first challenge, Chris had given them some time to discuss who to vote off before the elimination ceremony. Duncan had suggested DJ or Courtney should be voted since they're the only ones wearing the chicken hats. But he chose that Courtney should go since DJ would be a better help in the challenges.
Unfortunately for Courtney, the others agreed. In the elimination ceremony, she was first to walk the dock of shame.
There wasn't really much to say, after all, she was the first to go. What can you say to someone you barely know?
The wake-a-thon challenge resulted in another loss for the Killer Bass, Eva was voted off thanks to Heather's plan.
The dodgeball challenge was another loss for the Killer Bass, after all, who was going to suggest to wake up Duncan? Being the only one who didn't help, Duncan was voted off.
The talent show competition was a tough challenge, who was going to judge who to go? Regardless, the Killer Bass had to put someone up. DJ and Geoff were the choices but who was going to be the third? Time was almost up and they had to choose, but thanks to Harold the final was chosen.
And thanks to him the Killer Bass finally won, and due to Heather's persuasive skills. Justin was the one gone.
The Killer Bass were glad they won, but that came to an end. Thanks to Sadie and Katie getting lost in the forest, their friendship now had to end. The Bass voted and it was Katie's time to leave.
It was a losing streak for the Killer Bass, unfortunately Bridgette and Tyler failed their tasks. Unfortunately for everyone's favorite jock. Tyler was the one to walk the dock.
The Killer Bass had lost most of their hope, but they weren't going to fail again. Their trip to Boney Island was a success but the bonfire was a fail. But thanks to DJ they got back first, Duncan was right about him being useful. If only he were here to see.
The Gophers voted off Izzy, makes you wonder why.
The Killer Bass managed to win again, the MVP's of the paintball prize. But oh poor Cody was eliminated by the Gophers, were his injuries that awful?
They won twice in a row, is the third time really the charm? Fortunately it is! The Killer Bass had won three times in a row for once! Unfortunately for Beth and the cursed item she brought, she was the one to go.
You're quite the lucky one, Heather. That things seem to almost always go your way.
Unfortunately, three was enough. The Killer Bass had lost in the game of trust. Sadie was the one to go, but at least she can see her best friend as she goes home.
Despite the struggles, the winners were obvious. The Screaming Gophers have the lead, and the Killer Bass ends up further away from the line.
Harold was voted off since his odd habits annoyed the guys.
Who would've guessed the Killer Bass would lose again in the Extreme torture challenge. It was now Ezekiel's time to go, one whose time last much longer than usual...
It was now time for the merge, and there wasn't much change. The only difference is that Duncan would've been here if he wasn't sleeping away and Noah is still here-
If Courtney was gone first, there are also many other changes that aren't the elimination order.
Courtney and Duncan would've never gotten together, Harold wouldn't rig the votes, The Bass team wouldn't be as coordinated.
If Courtney was gone first, there would be a huge difference. And maybe she wouldn't be too much of a "fan-favorite" with the non-existent screen time she had IF she was voted off first...
Elimination Order (up until merge):1. Courtney (Killer Bass) (change from original)
2. Eva (Killer Bass)
3. Duncan (Killer Bass) (change from original)
4. Justin (Screaming Gophers)
5. Katie (Killer Bass)
6. Tyler (Killer Bass)
7. Izzy (Screaming Gophers)
8. Cody (Screaming Gohpers)
9. Beth (Screaming Gophers)
10. Sadie (Killer Bass)
11. Harold (Killer Bass) (change from original)
12. Ezekiel (Killer Bass) (change from original)
NOTE: This is all just my opinion/theory for this. Feel free to respectfully disagree with any points but with a reason as to why. "What If?" is only made to answer questions I wonder about in Total Drama. I try my best to not be biased and be as reasonable as possible.
"What If?" || Total Drama || (MOVED)
Fanfiction(very slow updates) Have you ever wondered about something in Total Drama? "What if it didn't happen?" or "What if it did happen?". I'll be trying to answer that, here in Total Drama "What If?"!