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The World Engine kept working in tandem with the Kryptonian ship, the gravity field kept slowly getting bigger with the civilians still running in fear and trying to get out of the city. The increased in gravity caused the builidings around it to collapse. Back on the ship Zod watches the progress of the terraforming.

Zod: Faora take command

Faora: Yes sir

Zod: I have to secure the genesis chamber, and pay my respects to an old friend

Zod then turned to leave and headed to the hanger bay to go to the scout ship.

Y/N flew across the sky and into the upper atmosphere, his red cape flowing in the wind as he rocketed himself down to the Indian Ocean where the World Engine was. 

Meanwhile The Avengers quinjet flew near the quinjet that was carrying the ship, Cap was going over a game plan with the rest of them.

Steve: Ok, once Y/N disables the World Engine the terraforming will stop and that's when we make our move.

Bruce: But we have to make sure we don't get caught in the gravitational pull of the singularity so we have to keep our distance once we drop the ship

Steve: Right, so Thor, Stark, we need you to get the Kryptonians attention away from the other quinjet. Bruce, stand by in case we have a code green.

Bruce nodded rather hesitantly before Cap began to talk to Natasha over the comms while she was with the ship.

Steve: Nat when Stark gives the signal that's when you activate the phantom drive an begin the bombing run.

Nat: Understood Cap.

Back in the arctic, Zod had just arrived at the Kryptonian scout ship. He retracted his helmet and immediately was overcome with his senses, he closed his eyes and began to focus hard on what was present and soon was able to control his senses.

After entering the ship, Zod inserted his own command key in the genesis chamber consule

Jor-El: Stop this Zod, while there's still time.

Zod turned around to face his former friend's AI

Zod: Haven't given up lecturing me have you? Even in death

Jor-El: I won't let you use the codex like this

Zod: You don't have a choice, the command key I've entered is already overwriting your authority. This ship is now under my control.

Thunderlike clouds and lightning surrounded the World Engine when Y/N arrived to the scene, the air made Y/N cough and lose control as it wasn't Earth's atmosphere and it was making him disoriented. He quickly regained control before the World Engine begin mainfesting metal like tentacles, Y/N was quickly dodging them before being entangled in the them and was thrown into the gravity beam. 

Jor-El: Our people can co-exist

Zod: So we can spend years trying to adapt like your son has?

Jor-El: You're talking about genocide

Zod: Yes, and I'm talking about it's merits with a ghost

Jor-El: We're both ghosts Zod, don't you see that? The Krypton your clinging to is gone

Zod: Computer have you managed to isolate this AI?

Computer Voice: Aye sir

Zod: Good then prepare to terminate, I grow tired of this debate

Jor-El: You won't prevail, my son is twice the man you are

Zod turned to face the AI 

Zod: Tell me, you have Jor-El's memories, his conciousness, can you experience his pain? I will harvest the codex from your son's corpse and I will rebuild Krypton on top of his bones.

Zod slammed his hand against the command key while watching Jor-El's AI get erased, a small amount of guilt washed over him before he quickly set that aside and continued on with mission.

Back at the World Engine, Y/N Was still trapped under the gravity beam but slowly began to raise his hand up while getting back to his feet. He looked up the beam towards the center of the World Engine, determination running through his whole body. With all the strength he had, Y/N shot up towards the giant machine, he wasn't gonna let Zod hurt anyone else, he wasn't gonna let Zod destroy his home. Y/N let out a battle cry before finally coliding with the World Engine, disabling the beam and destroying it.

Natasha let out a huge sigh of relief and chuckled a bit as she saw the machine was disbaled.

Hardy: He did it

Thor was heard laughing over the comms

Thor: Aha! I knew he could do it!

Hardy then got the confirmation to go in for the drop before he turned to Natasha.

Hardy: We're lining up for the drop, it's up to you and Hamilton now

Natasha nodded before she got out of the pilot seat and went to activate the ship

Back in the Indian Ocean, the wreckage of the World Engine floated in the water with Y/N laying nearby. Y/N opened his eyes, exhausted before turning his head towards the sun on the horizon. He raised his hand towards the light feeling the warmth eminating from it and feeling himself becoming stronger again. After a moment, he felt strong enough and got back to his feet before launching himself into the sky and flying towards New York.

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