Chapter 31

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"Breaking news, two teenagers, one male and one female, were found dead in their friend's driveway in possession of dozens of oxycodone tablets and other narcotics stashed in the trunk of their car

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"Breaking news, two teenagers, one male and one female, were found dead in their friend's driveway in possession of dozens of oxycodone tablets and other narcotics stashed in the trunk of their car.

Another teenage female was found at the door with critical injuries and was rushed to the hospital. Police are suspecting this was a drug deal that went south.

Detectives and police are working the scene right now, gathering more information not released to the public yet."

I took a sip of water, the nausea I was feeling sliding downward. I somehow found myself within the same bland sandpaper hospital walls again. Reid and I sat by Max's bed, none of us moving a centimeter since the moment we arrived. Her face and body were painted black and blue and her eyes screwed shut, a ring circled her left eye.

The only emotion I've felt for the past few hours was pure anger and confusion. Why can't one thing go right for once? Taylor and Cole are dead, their bodies were found slumped forward, pupils were blown and foam spilled out the side of their mouths.

Death by overdose.

Max was found leaning on the door, passed out, with cuts on her face, her head lolled to the side and blood dripping onto the floor. I couldn't wrap my head around how an invitation to dinner resulted in two deaths and one injured. Questions stormed through my mind that I couldn't fathom to voice at the moment.

Reid sat rigidly beside me, glaring down at the floor. He was probably more confused than me. He stayed as still as a statue for the longest time. I thought it would take ages for him to crack.

"Tell me what the hell is going on right now," he cast his eyes over to me, different emotions swirling in them.

I gulped, struggling to find an answer myself. "I- it, it wasn't supposed to turn out like this. I don't know what happened." I wiped my face, the fresh coat of hot tears rolling down my cheeks. I took a deep breath, trying to find my words again.

"Max knew who Mary's dealers were, and when she told me I immediately wanted to tell you. But we thought we should get some proof first because they were your friends. So we came up with a plan, but Max had other ideas and invited them over and told me nothing else. I swear I don't know what the hell is going on," I wiped my tears again.

The police already took our statements and escorted us to the hospital. Reid couldn't go home because it was labeled as a crime scene. With Max in this condition, he wouldn't have gone home anyway.

My grandma came to claim us under her care when she heard the news. Thankfully the whole family wasn't home when everything happened. My grandpa walked in and I immediately got up and ran into his arms. They talked to the doctors for Reid who was too numb at the moment to say anything. Nothing felt real at the moment.

Rick was phoned and informed of what went down. He said he would be back tomorrow in the afternoon to answer any questions the police had.

"I'm sorry only one person can stay overnight and it has to be a family member." The nurse stopped by, checking Max's vitals. She stood by her bed, looking specifically at me.

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