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Felix followed behind hyunjin as they walked through crowds. Felix had never been to a high school party-especially ones where kids underage drink and smoke, but Felix had figured out this reality already.

Hyunjin had already talked to a lot of people. He was known to be at parties, hyunjin pushed a curtain back, revealing a small group of people. They were smoking what seemed to be a rolled-up object.

Felix didn't fit in.

Felix just watched from behind as hyunjin greeted his friends. One of them was Chan, sitting next to probably one of the prettiest guys at their school. He was dressed in something extremely revealing.
Chan didn't seem to mind, as his arm was attached to the guy's waist.

"You want to sit?" Hyunjin asked, sitting down on the couch. "There's not much room.. I can stand." Felix smiled gently. Yet, hyunjin rolled his eyes, sitting back into the brown couch.

He grabbed Felix's wrist, pulling him down into his lap-the boy landed directly on Hyunjin's crotch, which was even more embarrassing around Hyunjin's friends. The music was blasting around them, so there wasn't much to be heard.

Felix was slowly learning as he went, which was: public display of affection was known here, making out and practically having sex on walls was very known and expected.

Felix bit his lip, looking down at his lap. Maybe he needed to loosen up some more, he looked around at what other people were doing.

"You want a drink? You seem tense."

Right, a drink. That would loosen him up enough to enjoy the night.
"It's just basic alcohol." Chan said,
His boyfriend looked back In curiosity, noticing the position Felix was in. A tilt to his head.

"Huh, didn't know hyunjin was into guys." Felix just took the drink
From chans hand. He'd never drank before. He stared at the red solo cup, a small look, examining it.

"I'm jeongin, Chan's boyfriend."

"O-Oh, I'm Felix - you're very pretty." Felix said. "Thank you, so are you." Jeongin smiled. Felix liked this guy, jeongin seemed kind. Felix put the drink to his lips, slowly taking the burning substance in.

The burning sensation felt so satisfying; it made his eyes water a little, but it felt so lovely in him. He chugged the rest, putting the cup down in his lap.

"So, are you and hyunjin a thing? You seem too innocent for him."

"What? No, I'm just.. I don't know, I like him, but he's not really into me like that." Jeongin was confused; he just raised an eyebrow, watching Felix grab another drink. Hyunjin was also drinking and talking about different subjects.

Felix chugged down another cup as well. He was reaching for the bottle before him. Jeongin could only watch, propping his chin up with his fist.


Pt coming soon!

unrequited love - hyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now