Just another day

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The rhythmic pound of her feet grinding down echoed through the crisp morning air. The world around her faded into a blur; as did her mind. 

This may have been only just for practice but she was determined with each time her feet would hit the track that she could push through her worries and dominate the finish line of any race.

Swifty beside her appeared one of her greatest friends in life, Camilla.

They kindly turned to give each other small smiles before halting.

"Morning," Gia says with a pitch in her breath.

"Hey, you are on time today?" Camilla gives a small judging look jokingly.

"Yep, trying to complete those News Years Resolutions. "

"Didn't you say that last year..." she giggles

"You know, funny thing, I don't remember that. " Gia replies with a playful laugh in return

A whistle is blown in the background of their conversation signaling they are free to go get ready for the day.

The two girls start to collect their belongings and make their way to the locker rooms.

"Did you wanna grab some coffee before first period?" Camilla asks assuming the clear answer from her friend.

"Sure, I usually feel a little tired after morning workouts, which is confusing to me... because don't people say it's supposed to wake you up?.." Gia rambles on a little.

Camilla doesn't mind though she accepts and adores her friend.


After a few minutes of strolling down the halls chatting and enjoying their coffee they come across their other 2 friends, Chiara and Fabio.

"How's it going " Fabio notices Camilla and Gia approaching.

"Quite well thank you" Camilla responds as Gia nodds.

----(A/N: Im lazy of course so talking will sometimes be simplified to the characters' first initial or two as they have the same at times.) Ch--Chiara. C--Camila. F--Fabio. G--Gia.

 Ch--"Man, can you believe we're almost halfway through the semester already? Time's flying!"

C--"Not fast enough it seems."

F--"Tell me about it. I'm drowning in assignments and tests. I wish there were more hours in a day."

Ch--"Wow even with you Daddy as principal."

Fabio scoffs and rolls his eyes and Chiara chuckles.

G--"I feel you though. These midterms are no joke. And the workload keeps piling up."

C-- "I think I've lost track of the number of essays I've written this month. Can't wait for a breather."

F-"At least we're in this together. We'll survive this academic whirlwind, right?"

G-"Absolutely! It's a grind, but we got this. And hey, anyone up for hitting the library after school? Group study might ease the pain."

C--"I'm down but we need to get snacks though, I'm always starving after school."

F--"Don't worry I got you guys covered." He pulls his bag open revealing a whole pile of chips and gummy bags.

You all look enchanted and smile thanking him greatly.

Sadly all fun must come to a pause when the bell rings for students to get to the first hour.

All you can hope for is that your classes go by quickly and painlessly.

You all fall into the trance of your daily cycle.


A/N: As of course I hope you enjoyed this first chapter. I wonder if many people will read this tbh anyway i think its good practice for me too as a writer

;) Ciao!

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