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It's the next day at lunch where the four teenagers gather to eat and express their current life events.

C--"Any fun plans for you guys this weekend? Maybe we could meet up?"

Ch--"I'd be down. I wanna stay far from my house, I'm tired of the bs my parents are constantly trying to hide from me."

They all give sympathetic glances at Chiara as they nodd in agreement to both making plans and hearing her needs.

G--Any ideas for what we could do?"

C--"Well we could all just hang at my place and watch movies or play game or well just whatever."

G--"Will your parents mind us over?"

C--"ehh who cares they are out again until next Tuesday. So it'll just be Niccolo and possibly his commander, Virginia. To hell if he brings somebody home but the chance of me bringing a guy or mentioning to it .. it's not ok, well besides Fabio, you're in the clear."

Gia giggles at her rant,

G--"Do you have a man even want to bring home?"

C--"Well no,... ok that doesn't matter, okay-"

They all laugh at the struggle of confrontation.

The buzz of the cafeteria gets a bit louder as Niccolo and his group gather a joke about who knows what.

Gia decides to pull out her Polaroid camera she decided to stuff in her bag today in the hope of catching some fun memories with her friends for her bulletin board in her room and why not.

She was quite into photography as a hobby. Not consider herself a pro, but she could dabble in her future or even maybe grow enough interest to further a career, she would hope her Mom would approve of.

G--"Hey guys gather round"

They huddle and Gia stands in the front holding it as far in front of her as she can to capture their goofy smiles and poses.

After two clicks and collecting the two pictures that export the slot, Fabio takes one while he and Gia shake them revealing a cool photo of them.

Niccolo calls out to Camilla branching his arm out around her  .

N-"Hey Sis, what are you guys up to?"

C--"Nothing much really, We just took some photos."

N--"Ahh ok,"

It becomes louder as two more boys pile onto Niccolo. He pulls his arm back to defend himself from the taller boy, Vittorio who starts to jokingly punch and tackle him. 

The other is a playful curlyheaded boy with a big smile with his braces showing, who is also grabbing the boys.

C--"Goodness gracious guys calm down" She laughs a little rolling her eyes and shoving the three boys into their place.

V--"Yes Ma'am."

Virginia slides into Niccolo almost making him feel forced to hold her in his arms as they stand there.

Vittorio captures a glance at the camera on the table beside Gia as she , Fabio, and Chiara adore the photos.

V--"Hey sweet camera, mind if we get a pic?"

Gia shoots her attention up to the boy and smiles giving a small response of "Sure."

The boy pulls his friends into the frame for Gia to take picture.

She laughed and paused for she enjoyed seeing Vittoio ruffle the curls of the boy beside him.


They all nodded and Niccolo gave a thumbs up.

G--"OKay here goes"

Vittorio exclaims, "Cheese!" and the others join in later.


Gia pulls the piece of paper and shakes it a little before handing it to one of the boys, but Virginia interferes in addressing it.

Virg--"Gosh I better look good."

N--"I'm sure you do."

Virg--"Well if not , I blame her camera."

C--"Whatever. You blame whatever you wanna blame for your mess"

Niccolo looks away knowing this wasn't gonna go well, but surprisingly it just ended at Virginia rolling her eyes and the boy with braces to snatch the photo from her.

?--"Yea, yea, whatever guys. I think it looks dope!"

Vittorio glances over resting his arm on the other boy's shoulder and nods while a big grin.

V--"oh yea!"

G--"Glad you guys like it--"

The bell of doom rings again for the retirement of lunch and beginning of their last 2 classes for the day.

V--"Are you guys going to this idiot's party?"

C--"Brando, you're throwing a party? "

A thought appears in your head to remember that the goofy kid holding the photo was named "Brando". Gia mouths it enjoying how it rolls off the tongue.

B--"For sure. parents are out so thought I'd take advantage."

F--"Guys I am going to head to class before the 2nd bell rings. Camilla can you send me deets if you guys are going.?"

C--"Okay sure and yea I'll going if you guys do." She points around at Chia,Nicco, and Gia.

N--"I'm for going that for sure."

Gia and Chiara nodd.

Ch--"I can possibly go, when is it?"

B--"Just tonight, from like 7- to - well whenever people feel like dipping, I guess." He chuckles.

He holds his smile as he and Camilla and Chiara, look over to Gia.

The girls practically beg with their eyes on her.

G--"guys chill I'll go   ,  you all have like laser eyes, it burns. But sure please send me the information and can you give me a ride please?.,,." 

The remaining group laughs as they prepare to zoom off to their classes.

Sending goodbyes with a simples word "Ciao.!"


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2023 ⏰

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