I woke up. I was confused what my dream was about. I wanted to continue with my dream but it ended. That morning for some reason I was in a good mood and on the school
bus when we passed the ranch down the road and I saw another horse there an brown and white paint he was glowing or something. " they got a new horse." I said " what are you talking about I don't see another horse you must be seeing things." Said Abby. (Abby's my friend.) At gym I'm not the best at obstacle course and guess what today we were doing an obstacle course. Today I wasn't last place I was 3rd. No one payed any attention to me ,but Abby and I were suprised. "What was that?" Asked Abby. "I have no idea I guess me being in a good mood helped maybe?" "Ok, sure, a good mood helped you." Said Abby.After school, on the bus I fell asleep as usual and I continued the dream that I had that morning.
The dream was about this flying horse it was always there even if I went to a place to small for the horse it was still there . It was kind of creepy even though the horse didn't try to do anything. So I walked up to it. He turned around real fast and snorted. I touched him and he calmed down. Then and there u knew why he was there. I have had dreams about this like everything else. He was there for...
Thanks for reading this chapter hop you enjoy the next one, too!