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                       Lyn's POV

" Oww, Hermione!" I cried out in pain as my twin sister tried and failed to untangle my tangled long hair.

" Sorry!" She grinned sheepishly as she placed the hairbrush down on the nightstand. I turned my head back, suddenly feeling a surge of excitement course through my body. I was finally going to Hogwarts!A school for Wizard and Witches.

       When we first received our letters in July, I was happy beyond words knowing for sure that I had a chance.And it was safe to say that my sister shared my excitement.

     It was a new thing for us, since our parents were muggles, non magical people. So we were the first witches in our family.

     " Alright girls! Time to leave for king's cross!" My mother yelled through the hallway. I kissed and hugged my parents goodbye as as muggles, they didnt want to attract attention thus we decided to go alone to the Hogwarts Express.I picked up my bag, my owl and sprinted out of the house.


   We entered the train station.It was packed with muggles. My sister grabbed my trolley and we ran into the barrier between platform 9 and 10.

     A scarlet steam engine was waiting next to a platform packed with people. A sign overhead said Hogwarts Express, 11 o'clock . Many wizards and witches, young and old, pushed their trolleys, buzzing with excitement about a new school year.
     "Hermione, over here!" I heard someone yell. I turned around to see a boy with dark messy hair and a lightning shaped scar on his forehead and a boy with flaming red hair waving at us." Hi Harry and Ron!" Hermione said.We had met Harry and Ron at Diagon Alley while purchasing our books and we became fast friends.

      We walked over to the boys.  Beside Ron, the redhead, I saw a petite girl about my age with flaming long red hair with Ron."And thats Ginny Weasely, Ron's sister" Harry introduced.I saw her once with Ron at Diagon Alley but ,never talked to her.

       "Hi." She said shyly. I gave her a little wave. A plump women pushing a trolley emerged from behind yelling at two identical looking twins.I gasped at the sight of the five redheads. " Hello  Lyn and Hermione!" The plump women said."Hi Ms Weasely!" I greeted.

       "Hello",the two twins said in UNISON. "Fred Weasley" the twin on the left shook my hand." George Weasley" the twin on the right shook my hand. I grinned at them as they said " I have a feeling we are going to be good friends!"

       Hi! This is my first story and Im not sure if its good.Ill try to publish every day.

         Love to hear your comments!🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 
      (Ill write a longer chapter than this cuz its quite short)

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