Chapter 14

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Author's POV : 

it's been 2 weeks since the night they kidnaped Jimin's uncle , they made sure he is healing good , they don't want him to die , he needs to live to suffer every single day of his life 

he can now stand by his own even if his hands and legs is cuffed but still they gave him a small space to move 

they made sure to not leave Jimin alone in the house so he don't roam around but today Yoongi was working in his office in the second floor and Jin was cooking in the kitchen while Jimin was studying in   his room , but he got bored so he went down to find his Jin hyung preparing the dinner for the rest and he didn't find any trace for his Yoongi hyung so he was roaming in the first floor Until he found himself in front of the basement door , he was hearing voices coming from there the last couple of weeks but yoongi hyung told him it is not from there , his curiosity peat him and he opened the door to check by himself , but the door was locked 

Jimin : " oooof , why it is locked , sure there is something hiding there , i'm sure i heard voices coming from there " Jimin tried to open it again but he got interrupted by his hyung

Yoongi : " what do you think you are doing " Jimin jumped on his place , he knew he is in trouble 

Jimin : " mmmm , i was .. i heard voices again .. i want to check it , why .. why it is locked ?? " he is trying to talk normally like his hyung didn't worn him to not come near here

Yoongi : " didn't i warn you before to not come here or go down , even if there is voices there , what if it some stranger trying to steal the house , Are you going to put yourself in danger?  " Yoongi was controlling his anger , he was going to lose his mind the moment he find the kid trying to open the basement , the "what if's" was running in his head with never stop , but he will not repeat his mistake , he will not hurt the kid again .

Jimin : " sorry hyung "

Yoongi : " it will not work this time , you will have your punishment this time , and you will not like it " Jimin's eyes winded , since the last time yoongi lost his control he didn't punish him again , he always ignore his mistakes 

Jimin : " no please , i will not do it again , i'm really sorry " 

 Yoongi : " i know , you should be , but i'm not taking it back , i'm not sleeping with you for 2 nights , if you are afraid go sleep with one of your hyungs but not with me " 

Jimin : " NO NO please hyung anything but this , i don't like it without you please " 

Yoongi : " that's the point of the punishment Jimin it is not tend to be likable , and don't argue more to not make it more nights " 

yoongi left him there crying trying to hold him self to not take his words back , he has a soft spot for the kid and he can't see him like this , but Jimin become bolder and didn't stop where they want to stop him , so he need to make it clear who has the upper hand there

Jin heard Jimin's cry and went to him

Jin : " hey baby what happen , why are you crying ?? " 

Jimin : " yo.. yoongi Hyu... hyung , pun.. punished me .. no sleep.. no sleep night , i want.. i want him .. i don't like this " and his cry intensified

Jin : " what did you do for him to punish you , and i didn't get the punishment . calm down , i'm here , everything is okay  " Jin carried him like a koala and sit on the couch patting his back to calm him down 

after a while 

Jin : " tell me now , what happen ? "

Jimin : " i tried to open the basement door because i heard voices coming from there , but it was locked , and Yoongi hyung found out and punished me with not sleeping with me for  2 nights , talk to him , i don't like this punishment" Jin's heart sank , what if Jimin can open the door and he went there , they can't keep this guy there anymore , he need to leave 

Jin hugged Jimin tightly like someone will snatch him 

Jimin : " what's wrong hyung "

Jin : " nothing , just don't do this again , and i can't talk with yoongi hyung you know him , if he decided something we can't make him take it back , what about you sleep with me for this 2 nights ?? "

Jimin : "i love you hyung but i want Yoongi hyung " 

Jin : " it is your fault that you disobeyed him , serve your right " Jimin started to cry again

Jungkook : " what's wrong hyung , why my little boy is crying "  Jungkook just arrived and heard Jimin's cry 

Jimin ran to him hugging him tightly 

Jungkook : "shhh baby who made my baby sad just tell me " 

Jin : " your baby tried to open the basement door " Jungkook pushed Jimin out of his embrace made the kid terrified 

Jungkook : " you did what ?? " Jimin used to the childish Jungkook who always play with him , but never with the angry one so he was shocked with the reaction 

Jimin : " hyung i said sorry please don't be angry you too " Jungkook tried to collect himself to not hurt the already crying boy 

Jungkook : " never again Jimin , okay ?? " 

Jimin : " okay , but talk to Yoongi hyung he punished me with not sleeping with me for 2 nights , talk to him please "

Jungkook : " no you deserve it , if i was him it will be 2 weeks " 

Jimin : " HYUNG "

Jungkook : " don't shout kid , just sleep with me instead till the punishment finish , you need to learn your lesson  "

Jimin : "no  you are bad i will sleep with hopi hyung , you two don't help me at all "

Jin : " let's see what your lovely hopi hyung will do when he know what you did "

Jimin : " no please don't tell him "

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