I. Days Gone Bye

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( Terribly Desirable ) ✝︎ ─── 01.
Days Gone Bye.

     USING GUNS was never Melody Dixon's strong suit, despite who her family was. She never picked up on the skill, saying it was far too manly for her taste and stuck to painting her nails with the nail polish her mother had gotten for her as a birthday present. Melody was regretting not learning to shoot a gun, or learning any survival skill for that matter.

Her mother had custody of her almost her whole life and made sure that Melody never touched a weapon. Her father, on the other hand, stuck a crossbow straight into her hands when her mother died, telling her that she better be a quick learner or she'd be left in the woods.

Thankfully, she was a quick learner.

After seeing how quick she was to learn with a crossbow, Daryl helped her as much as he could without making it seem like he actually cared about her. He barely knew the girl for Christ sake, he only got to see her a few times when she was a kid and even then it was only when he and his brother were giving her her birthday and Christmas gifts. Now that she had been with him for almost two years, he quickly grew to care about her more than he had ever cared about anyone in his life.

She also hated her uncle, but family was family and as much as she wanted to shoot an arrow in between his eyes, she held back.

He wasn't worth it, plus, he did get her anything she asked for.

"Girl, if you keep on feeding the birds, we ain't gonna have any food left," Shane called to her as he walked over to the van, hands on his hips as he stares up at her. Melody smiles, throwing one last piece of food before climbing down and leaning against the side of the van.

"You gonna arrest me for feeding the poor, helpless birds?" Melody teases, twirling her hair around her finger. Shane rolled his eyes at her. She laughs, patting his chest as she walks away. "Lighten up, Walsh," She called over her shoulder.

Carl looked up at her as she walked over to him and Lori, a grin forming on his face when she winked at him and gave him the comic book that she had gotten Glenn to find on his last run which she had kept in the back of her shorts for safe keeping. "Thanks," Carl grins, already flipping through it. Melody ruffled his hair, gaining protests from the boy.

"You seen my dad by any chance?" Melody asked him, looking around for her father. Carl shook his head, engrossed in the comic book. Melody hums, joining him on the small chairs. She looked over at the comic book, frowning as she tilts her head. "So, what's this one about?" She asked.

Terribly Desirable ✹ Rick GrimesWhere stories live. Discover now