02( what were you thinking)

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Next day near soobin's gate near the car , lee hyung as always open car door for soobin.

Soobin try to get on to the car after putting one leg on the car but got back again the foot to ground and asked his bodyguard.

"Hung is that because of the bunny custume?"


"You are leaving me and not even telling me"soobin said sadly.

"Oh that ,I was going to tell you that yesterday but I didn't think that your father will take sudden decision on that this soon,  ..."

"Even Kai hyung knows this,"again sad soobin said.

No no no all this happened last evening  ,Kai called me and told me your father's decision and thats how I got to know it.

You okay with it? Soobin asked .

"I think so"

"Thats it,it is about bunny custume ,you got this decision right"

'Sir,you are getting late and it is not because of bun....that costume,I dearly think that your dad decision is right although Im gonna miss you little master."

Don't tell lies,you hate being with me late night working hours didn't you,

Its quit exhausting but I really enjoyed the time with you seeing how hard working of yours,its worth of time to protect you sir..."

Soobin sigh. Okay lets go said soobin and got in to the car.

At office Kai came to the ceo room quite fast with a bunch of files and a note book.

So the today's schedule is that you have to select a person on interview at 10.a.m and at 12.30 a meetings with Globe Industries managers and

Kai look up and saw soobin is not showing attention and doing some other stuff with things on his table.

Are you listening to me sir ? Kai said with little high tone.

Yes yes do what ever you want

Kai took a deep breath and put interview people file on the table.

You interview people shape at 10 and I will be on my room if you need anything call me sir.

No no no not gona happen ,you interview those guys why me I am here I have some projects to review.

Again Kai took a deep breath , I already checked those projects you only have to put some signatures and also about the interviews chairmen asked me you t..

I don't care I will be here and you will be there ,soobin show another table in his room "and Ill just supervise you doing the interview.got it? Okay now you can go.soobin said without looking.

Kai sigh for the third time of the day and went out side.

At 10.p.m. All most all the people for interview has been stitting infront of the ceo's office.

1st interviewed person

Kai- so what your experience on this field?

"I had my 1st client he got shot near the heart and

Soon hearing that soobin spilled the tea he was drinking on his shirt.

Kai-   Okay next....

"I want him to be mine"

Kai- im sorry what?

"I mean mine to protect"

Kai-  Okay next

"I always dream about protecting a CEO and .......

Like wise interview went on some time and soobin now not even put any interest on that and kept going on his work.

So now time for yeonjun.

Wearing complete a black suit and two piercing is visible on one of his ears shining.

Kai-your experience on the.......

"No I don't have. "

Kai-   Okay let's assume if ceo in a dangerous situation like gun on his head,what you gonna do?

"Okay first I am not going to let that beauty go for another person's hand second if it happened I'll think about it."

Kai- you will think about?
Soobin-you will think about it?  ,(in his head)beauty?

"Yeah when time comes on that situation."

Kai sigh.

Okay next....

Now is 11.15 after all interviews,

Kai asked "what do you think "

you think and decide. Soobin said.

"These 5 are good in my opinion" Kai said firmly.

Okay then, hire this one soobin picked a random file.

*should I continue this fic ? Tell me if you want🥺

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