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Matilda went back to the great hall

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Matilda went back to the great hall. She noticed Sonny looking slightly on edge, so she walked over.

"What's up?" She asked, taking a seat next to him.

Sonny looked at her in disgust. "What were you doing with him?" He sneered as Mattheo walked in slightly after she did.

Matilda went red in the face. "Nothing." She responded maybe a little too quickly. Sonny raised an eyebrow at her. "I'm tutoring him on Monday, I just had to remind him."

"Whatever," Sonny rolled his eyes. Matilda immediately felt guilty for kissing Mattheo.

She sat next to Sonny and watched as he hesitantly started eating. The guilt made Matilda feel physically ill, so she didn't eat anything.

"I'm actually gonna go," Matilda said quietly as she stood up. "I'm awfully tired."

Sonny done no less than nod at her, tucking back into his food.

Matilda rolled her eyes discreetly, she definitely needed some sleep.

As she walked into the slytherin common room, everyone went silent.

She furrowed her eyebrows at Pansy, who was snickering. Ignoring everyone, Matilda went to her dorm and got dressed into her fluffy pyjamas.

She tied her naturally straight hair into a low ponytail. Tiredly, she removed her makeup from the day, which consisted of mascara and eyebrow pencil.

As Matilda crawled into her bed, she checked the time on her digital clock. The time read 7:32pm, too early for bed.

She decided to catch up on some homework while listening to some music. She put her favourite cd into her record player and began jotting down some answers to her homework as she listened.

By the time Matilda was finished doing her homework, it was 9:43pm. It was almost curfew, so she thought she would go a walk to get tired.

She crept out of the slytherin common room, still in her pyjamas. She contemplated where to go, but finally decided the library was a good idea. 

The blonde girl quietly made her way to the library, trying not to get caught.

Creaking the library door open, she looked to the librarian who hadn't even noticed she came in. She quickly snuck off to the fiction section.

To her surprise, she was greeted by Mattheo Riddle. He was sat on the floor, his back against the bookshelves.

Matilda giggled. Maybe a bit too loud.

"What?" Mattheo's head snapped to face Matilda. Matilda stood there giggling some more.

"Sorry," she said, gathering herself. "Sorry. What are you doing here?" She asked.

Mattheo looked from Matilda to his book, back to Matilda. "Oh well I don't know," he replied sarcastically.

Matilda rolled her eyes. She walked over to Mattheo and sat next to him on the floor. "What are you reading?"

Mattheo looked at her as if she was born yesterday. "Do you not have eyes?" He asked, sounding fed up.

Matilda closed her eyes and held her hand over them. "Nope. So watcha reading?"

Mattheo placed his book down on the floor. He gently took Matilda's wrist and took her hand away from her face.

"What are you doing here, Matilda?" He asked, as if she was following him.

She looked at him like he was crazy. "I was just bored," she shrugged.

"Are you following me?" He asked, with his eyes looking wild. At the point, Mattheo was staring deep into Matilda, making her extremely uncomfortable.

"Are- are you high?" Matilda choked out while trying to hold in her laugh.

Mattheo snapped out of it, sitting back and letting go of her wrist. "I'm sober."

Matilda nodded.

The pair sat in silence for ten minutes, until they heard a lock click.

Mattheo looked at Matilda, but she was sleeping against the bookshelves.

He gently shook her arm, waking her up. "Matilda?"

She jolted awake and looked at her surroundings. Mattheo stood up and started walking towards the door. "Get up," he whispered to her as he turned around to face her.

Cluelessly, she stood up and began to follow him. His hand reached out to the library door, it didn't open. Mattheos hands flew to his pockets, feeling for his wand.


Matilda still looked utterly clueless. She tried the door and it didn't open. "Oh," she said, realising that they were stuck. Mattheo just looked at Matilda with pure disgust.

She sighed and walked back to the fiction section, sitting back down against the bookshelf.

"What now?" Mattheo asked as he paced around the isle.

"There's nothing we can do," Matilda said with her eyes closed, ready to go to sleep again.

Mattheo walked over and gently kicked her side, making her jump. "Ouch," she moaned quietly, holding her side.

He rolled his eyes, "dramatic much?"

Matilda stood up. "What do you want me to do? Sit here and cry about it?" She asked, getting annoyed.

Mattheo looked at her with his eyebrow raised.

"Stop moping about, we're stuck. Big deal," she finished as she sat back down again.

Mattheo stared, looking impressed. "Alright then."

He took a seat on the floor next to her. "God I wish I was high right now," he whispered to himself.

Matilda just shook her head. "I'm really tired, Mattheo." She rested her head against the bookshelves and closed her eyes.

"Aren't you cold?" Mattheo asked, but he regretted after. Why did I even ask that?

"Mhm," Matilda mumbled with her eyes still shut. Next minute, Mattheo had placed his jumper over Matilda's body, as if it was a blanket.

She opened her eyes and smiled at him. "Thanks."

He nodded in response.

Eventually, they both fell asleep. But during the night, they moved positions, Matilda had her head resting on Mattheos lap, his hands playing with her hair, completely unaware of what he was doing.

𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐃𝐀 ,, 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐨 𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐨𝐜 Where stories live. Discover now