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I did some fanart of Hyunjin, not that good, but I'd love for you guys to take a look!!

A/N : Again, I apologize deeply for my irregular publishing schedule, I do have school so I'm pretty busy! I promise I won't stop writing this book though! I have so much planned for it!!

Thai : Underlined
Korean : Regular






Hours? Days? Jisung had no idea how much time had gone by. He sat in his room with his head resting in his hands. "Man. What the fuck do I do?!" He stood up and paced around the room, "I cannot believe myself! How could I have been so fucking stupid??"

He flinched when he heard the lock click, the boy ran to the door, thrusting it open. "Why did you lock me in here huh?!" He yelled, without looking at the person at the door. Minho's face contorted into annoyance. "You're not Hyunjin..." Jisung mumbled, his eyes blown wide.

"Just be happy you're allowed out of your room when we aren't discussing business related things Jisung." Minho spat. Jisung frowned, "Sorry..." He whispered. Minho nodded and walked away, but it was hard to ignore the gnawing feeling of guilt that made him want to apologize for being rude. Minho huffed and walked away faster, he did NOT want to go back and apologize to a hostage.

"What a dick..." Jisung said furrowing his eyebrows. Hyunjin appeared infront of Jisung. The boy gave the taller an awkward smile. "Sorry... not sorry. I say what comes to mind. Minho IS a dickhead." Jisung scoffs.

Hyunjin smiles softly, "No Sungie, he's just like that... sure he's a bit of a- ahem- rude person, but he's really nice when you get to know him. The real cat-obsessed him." Jisung raises a brow. "Cats? Huh? Who knew?"

"Me... and the rest of the team, apparently." Hyunjin said with a small pout. Jisung looked at Hyunjin with an amused expression, but it changed to seriousness quickly.

"No but seriously. Don't ever lock me in here. I'll stay in my room, I won't wander. Just don't- don't lock the door." Jisung breathed.

Hyunjin sighed "I- if you promise, I guess..." Jisung smiled.
"Thanks hyung!" He squealed, hugging the older.

"Yeah..." Hyunjin mumbled, wondering how to explain this to Minho.
Tae laughed at Joon the second they entered the room. "HAHAHAHA I KNEW IT!"

Joon rolled his eyes, "For the last time Tae, I don't see why this is such a big deal."

Tae laughed, "It's because, I'm the only straight one now." He said with a grin, "Meaning I don't need to worry about you guys trying to steal girls!"

"You don't get girls Tae" Stephen snapped. Joon and Jonas burst out into laughter, but Tae's face turned red with embarrassment.

"Tae doesn't get girls because he's short." Jonas laughs.


"Whatever..." Tae mumbled, rolling his eyes.

Jonas looked at Joon with intrigue, "So... what are you gonna do about your crush?" he asked with a teasing tone in his voice.

Joon cleared his throat, "I plan on taking him." he said. Jonas looked shocked.

"Sorry... WHAT?!" he screeched.

"Are you slow? I said, I plan on taking him." Joon restated.

"You're joking. Please tell me your joking." Jonas said, looking Joon in the eyes.

"I'm not, I feel this immense attraction to him, I want him. Even if I have to take him from here. I will." Joon insisted.

"You let him do what?" Seungmin asked.

"He promised to stay in his room so... I let him stay in his room unlocked... Next time?" Hyunjin said.

Minho looked at Hyunjin with disapproval, Felix looked upset too. "I think that's not a good idea. He's not exactly our friend."

"He's also not exactly our foe." Hyunjin retorted, "I don't think we should lock his door. He looked pretty panicked when I opened it."

♪ Spoiler ♪

♪"So what exactly are you gonna do about it?♪

♪ Sorry for the late updates guys 😭 ♪

♪ I'm on vacation! In another state so, uhm I might not update, sorry it's so short 😭 ♪

If you celebrate thanksgiving, have an amazing thwnk guys!! If you don't, just enjoy the week you have off!!

- Susmi ❤️

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