Stop Ignoring Me!

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The usual ships, Shigadabi is the main one.
Trans Shiggy.
Deku is Shiggy's brother
Dabi is playing a prank on Shiggy where he ignores him and Shiggy is doing everything to get him to talk to him.
Little bit of smut (13-16+)
Slight angst

Shiggy Pov:

"Babyy?" I whined in Dabi's ear knowing it would drive him crazy. He kept scrolling on his phone but I could see he was trying really hard not to say anything. I wrapped my arms around him from behind and kissed his neck softly, "Please answer me." He got up and left the room completely. For fuck sake... Why is this making me horny and mad at the same time?

"Honey can you come help me?" I smiled at him and he just ignored me, again. What the fuck did I do wrong? "Darling? Are you alright?" I walked over and sat next to him. He wrapped his arm around me, is he finally going to answer? "Mhm." He kissed the top of my head then went back to his phone. Fuck this shit. "I'm going to Deku's for a bit." I got up and walked towards the door, he didn't care.

Dabi's Pov:

I feel kind of bad now... Maybe I should talk to him? I looked up from my phone to ask him to stay but he'd already left the room. I may as well just stay here, I'll just hang out with Toga. I got up and went to find her, "Mini psycho? Where you at?" Her bedroom door is locked, she must be with Ochako. I'll just go watch Netflix and wait for Shiggy to come back.

(Two hours later)

"Dabi, I'm home!" Shiggy walked through the door, fuck.. He said Dabi instead of one of my nicknames. He must be mad, I may as well try and keep ignoring him, I've made it this far. He walked into the room and sighed, "God it's so hot in here, I'm going to go get changed. I'll start making dinner once I've finished." He waited for a reply but I just sat there and kept looking at my phone.

He walked back into the room, he took ages... Oh my fucking god, am I dreaming right now? He walked over and sat on my lap, "You done ignoring me yet? Or do I need to make you stop?" He was wearing that stupid maid dress that Deku bought as a joke, he looked so damn hot in it though. I whispered in his ear softly, "I'm done ignoring you... Now come on, you're sitting on my lap and wearing a maid dress. What's my name?" I kissed his neck slowly and he whispered back, "Dabi~" I smiled against his neck and shook my head. "That's wrong baby, try again." He bit his lip then whispered quickly, "Daddy, daddy, oh god, daddy~" He smiled and pulled my face close to his. I kissed him slowly then pulled away the slightest bit. "You're so beautiful.."

Shiggy Pov:

'Beautiful..' I admire that he's complimenting me but did he have to say beautiful? He could've said cute or handsome or basically anything else. I haven't been called beautiful while wearing a dress in so long... "Babe, are you alright?" Dabi looked into my eyes and ran a hand through my hair. I got off his lap and cried into his chest. "Ok, come on. Tell me what's wrong, I'll know if you're lying so be honest, is it something I did?" I started crying even harder and Dabi whispered softly, "Shhh, it's ok. Calm down, you don't need to tell me what's wrong, we can just sit in silence if that's what you want."

(Half an hour later)

"Are you ready to talk about it now darling?" Dabi kissed the top of my head and I nodded slowly. "Why did you have to call me beautiful? You could've said handsome or cute or anything, but you had to say beautiful?" He sighed and lifted up my head so he could look at me. "I'm so sorry Shiggy, if I could go back in time I'd go back and say literally anything else," Dabi started moving his hands up and down my body, "There's so many words that I could've said instead of beautiful.." I laughed a little and replied with, "Oh really? How about some examples of what you could've said?" He grinned and started kissing my neck while he talked. "Sexy, cute, adorable, slutty, attractive, fine.." I can't believe I get to spend the rest of my life with this perfect man in front of me. "Dabi, I love you so much.."

Dabi Pov:

Oh. My. God.. Did he just say he loves me? No, that can't be right, I must have heard him wrong. We haven't been dating that long, I do love him though.. "Oh shit, I'm sorry did I say it too soon? You don't need to say it back if you don't feel the same way yet, I feel so-" I kissed him softly to shut him up. I can't believe he would think that I don't love him... I pulled away and whispered, "I love you too honey, I've loved you since the day I saw you, I've loved you since the day you came up to me all nervous and asked me to be yours. I love you so fucking much Shiggy, always have and always will."

999 words

Hi guysss, I'm sorry it's took me a while to finally post something but I'm back. And I'm really sorry that this wasn't very good but I started writing it at like 3 in the morning, continued it the next day in my lesson and then finished it the morning after when I woke up. I hope you all enjoyed this and I hope you enjoy the rest of your morning/afternoon/evening/night, whatever it is for you right now. Bye everyone!!

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