Chapter 11

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Gio's POV
As soon as her lips meet mine I know I'm completely screwed. This girl is mine. Even in her current state, the most battered and defeated she has ever been and she finds strength and confidence in my words. Enough so that she pulls me into a kiss. Seeing her broken and vulnerable a part of me had worried she would never again be the confident, sexy woman I was so insanely attracted to but in her one bold move, she has proven she can still take me entirely by surprise, that she is tough enough to pull herself through the worst of situations. She is so much stronger than I had even begun to imagine. For a minute of so we are lost, entwined with each other, our tongues exploring each others mouths, memorising and savouring the other in a new and exciting dance. The knock at the door pulls us both back to the present and she pulls away from me, the red rising in the cheek that isn't already blue with bruising.

"Oh... I just..." she starts to try and excuse her actions but with every word I can see the pain across her face so I cup my hand to her unblemished cheek and rub my thumb across her lips, "don't speak Tesoro, do not hurt yourself" her big eyes meet my own and she clearly is struggling with her inability to speak so I try to assuage what I have gathered are her fears the best I can. "Isabella, please, do not ever apologise to me, especially not for kissing me. I have wanted to taste your lips since our first conversation so I will not hear any form of apology for you granting my wish". She audibly gulps then winces slightly, her hand reaching for her painful neck, "come now bella , let's get you home so you can rest, I will have Dr Tanner come by your apartment to check up and give you any more pain medication you need".

After instructing Roberto to bring around one of the SUVs so as not to draw any more attention, I allow Rose to climb inside and lift Isabella in after her, tucking her into my side as we set off. I notice Rose's eyes keep flitting between myself and her best friend, cuddled into me, my arm encasing her and gently stroking her hand. She doesn't say anything, smart enough not to question me but I can see she is thinking hard, probably worrying about the dangerous world she and I have dragged this beautiful and wonderful woman into.

Isabella insists on walking when we arrive at her apartment building but allows me to keep my arm around her and I am grateful, feeling I would do anything to make her feel safe and secure at this moment. As we exit the elevator Rose turns to me, "thank you Boss, for taking such good care of her... I'm so sorry again for going away and..." she pauses and I raise my hand to show that her apologies are unnecessary, "anyway, I'm sure I can take it from here, I know you are crazy busy". Glancing down at Isabella I meet her eyes, something burns in them and her arm tightens around my waist as though pleading with me not to release her.
"I will stay Rose, if that is alright with you, until she is settled and Dr Tanner has come to check on her". She looks at me again with curious suspicion but at a look to her best friend, nods and leads us forwards, unlocking the front door and allowing me to help Isabella inside.

Isy's POV

I watch his sharp features as they take in our small but homely apartment, catching him smile as he takes in the wall of photos of the two of us, out with friends, partying, at the beach, in the park. He looks down at me with those big caring eyes and gives me his stunning half smile, "your bedroom Tesoro? You need rest." I point to the second door leading off the hall and we walk together towards it, his steady arm never leaving my side. I know I should still be feeling scared, maybe it's just the shock keeping it away, but something about being near him seems to have a soothing affect on me, like I know he wouldn't let anything or anyone harm me. When he sits me on the chair by my desk and moves to arrange the bed I can't help but miss the warmth of him.

He chuckles lightly as he pulls the duvet back, revealing my old, and rather 'well loved' old rabbit plushie and I feel the heat rise in my cheeks again. He places it neatly on my pillow and returns to my side, helping ease me back into the soft sheets and the comforting smell of home. Pulling the duvet across me, I see his eyes once again taking me in and cringe at how pathetic I must look and look away from his intense gaze. I feel the bed dip as he sits beside me and he tuts lightly before taking my chin softly between his fingers and easing my face back towards him. The softness and warmth in his eyes makes me melt and I am suddenly acutely aware that he is in my bedroom.

"Ah, Tesoro, do not ever feel like you have to look away from me" he says softly, his voice like silk as he runs a gentle finger down the unblemished side of my face, "my strong, beautiful, fiesty Isabella... you are a marvel, you know? I don't know what you are doing to me". I can't help but gulp at his words then wince slightly at the pain in my throat, this insane man, this man who appears to have everything, I cannot fathom why he would have any interest at all in me and yet he seems to be completely entranced. He called me his! The past 48 hours have been the most intense and completely insane of my life but somehow the pain and the terror of last night seems to fade when he speaks to me, like his words are a balm to my injured soul. I reach my hand to cup his handsome face again, feeling his stubble, bristling under my fingers as he moves my hand to kiss my palm.

It feels like hours but can only be a couple of minutes that we stay that way, my hand on his cheek, his on mine as we stare into each others eyes, so many unspoken words passing between us without the need for vocalising them. A sharp knock at my bedroom door brings us both to our senses and he stands quickly, moving to open the door. Dr Tanner enters and gives me a smile, nodding at Gio and giving a curt "Boss" before coming over to the bed, opening his bag as he does so.
"And how are you feeling Isabella?" He asks kindly, putting on gloves as he spreads a few meds and equipment on the bedside table, "May I?" At my nod he gently examines my face and neck then, after sitting me up, the back of my head.

"Well it seems all is going as it should be, the swelling and bruising were to be expected I'm afraid but should start to fade in a few days. I will leave you some oral pain meds but will give you another dose of the strong stuff just now so that you get another good, pain free rest. I'd advise you take it easy for a day or two, your injuries may not be too serious but the shock tends to knock you out a bit following a... a trauma like this. Other than that, I will need to see you next Sunday to take the stitches out but I can do it wherever suits and I will leave my card with Rose in case you need me for anything else at all in the meantime."

Smiling up at him I manage to rasp out a "thank you" and Gio comes to my side again as the doctor prepares the shot. "I will leave you to rest now Tesoro, but I have put my direct number in your phone, as well as Robertos and if you need anything at all, please do not think twice about using it!" Nodding gratefully, I can't help but notice the doctor looking at me with some curiosity as Gio bends and lays a gentle kiss on my forehead, "Sleep well bella". I smile up at the walking enigma that has turned my life upside down and squeeze his hand affectionately before he removes it. I feel the needle in my arm for a moment before I start to feel my eyes getting heavy again, my body sinking into the comfort of my bed eager to sleep once more.

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