Heatstroke - Taylor X reader

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Y/N pov.

Me and Taylor are in Rio at the moment for her show, and it is extremely hot. Most of her team has been advising her to postpone the show here even further, but because she has the upper hand and is in charge, it didn't happen. She doesn't want to be a further burden upon her fans. So I am standing in the VIP tent with Andrea, Tree, and her father just watching her show. She is mesmerizing and heavenly to look at.

She finishes the second to last song and turns to face the audience, in a stance that I know she learned to keep herself from fainting because I learned it too when I did choir back when I was a kid. I look over to Andrea and Scoot, and neither of them has noticed. Her last song begins and the look on her face gives her away, she is not feeling well.

I slip out the back of the VIP tent and with security screaming for me to come back run out backstage. She nears the end and as the dancers start walking down the stairs I know cameras are pointed at where she is supposed to come out. "Y/n? What are you doing back here?" One of her dancers, Kam, asks me and hugs me.

"Just waiting for Taylor to come off stage," I say and let go of him when I see her near the staircase. She heaving and sweat is running down her, "Taylor," I say right before she collapses and falls into my arms. I sit on the floor with her in my arms, "Someone call an ambulance!" I scream and brush hair out of her face while repeating her name.

Waiting for the ambulance, I see Andrea and Scott in the distance, when they see what's going on their slow walk turns to a hurried pace. Scott is telling the security to get something to cover Taylor on the floor with, so nobody sees the commotion, which is already way too late. When the ambulance finally comes, the EMS tells me to move and I do, not letting go of her hand.

They get her on the ambulance and Andrea is moments away from getting on when Scott holds her back, "Let her go Andrea," He says and makes eye contact with me, I get in next to Tay and he nods at me.

The minute we get to the hospital cameras are already there, with interviewers asking questions and trying to find out what happened. We get to the trauma room and doctors start admitting fluids and cooling blankets. I've been placed on a chair and I'm just holding her hand, I know not to get in the way, and if they need me to move I will.

A nurse stays with us monitoring her temperature and changing fluids. After three hours a Doctor walks back in and sits down in front of me. "Miss Swift, your wife had a heatstroke, and I assume that it is caused by her performing in the heat we have, and also not getting enough water. We're going to move her to her room and keep her here for a day and see what state she's in tomorrow. When she wakes up she is going to be nauseous and have a headache, this is to be expected and normal, a nurse will rotate in here a couple of times to check on her," The doctor explains in a very slow and understanding way.

"I'm not her wife, we're not married, I'll keep an eye on her, I'm a doctor so if anything happens I'll just tell someone. Thank you for your help," I hug him and we get moved to a room. I step out into the hallway and call Andrea, I know both she and Scott are worried.

"Hey Andrea, Taylor is okay, they say she had a heatstroke. So they're keeping her here until tomorrow and seeing how she is. If you guys want to come visit we are in room 113," I explain, short and simple. Andrea's voice is shaking as she passes what I just said to her.

"Thank you Y/n, for being with her, we'll be there as quick as possible, the traffic is crazy, and they found out where she is, so stay safe, and I will let you know when we get there. We love you Y/n, stay safe, and give my best to Taylor," She hangs up without letting me respond in any way.

After four hours of sitting by Taylor's bedside just holding her hand she begins stirring, and slowly opens her eyes, "hey," she whispers, I give her a faint smile and hug her.

"I thought I lost you" I cry and start crying, "I thought you died" I tell her and look her in the eyes.

"Y/n, I'm okay, I'm good" she smiles.

"Taylor you had a heatstroke and passed out, nothing about that is okay, 5 more minutes and it would've happened on stage," I tell her, the smile on her face fades and her brows furrow in concern.

"Y/n, I-"

"You're in the hospital, we've been here since the show ended, and you're not performing tomorrow, I don't care what you say," I insist, and knowing her protesting is a waste of time she just nods. "Do you want me to get your mom?" I ask her and she nods again.

"Okay," I whisper and kiss her.

I get her mom and let the two of them talk, I stay in the hall with her father, "thank you for taking care of our girl. You're the best thing that's ever happened to her Y/n," Scott tells me, and tears start rolling down my cheeks again.

"Thank you. I promise I'll keep watching out for her, no matter what," I say and look at him, he wraps his arms around me, he knows this has been hard for me too. "I'm not letting her perform tomorrow, I know it's important to all of you, but I can't let her kill herself" I explain to him, and he nods in understanding.

"I love her Scott, and I can't loose her," I say to further defend my views on her continuing to go on stage in this heat.

"You don't have to defend your reasoning Y/n, I agree with you, and I know Andrea does too," he smiles faintly.

Andrea leaves Taylor and let me go back in to her. "I love you too Y/n, I know I don't say it, but I swear I do,"

"I know Tay, I know you do"

lol hi guys, I'm not dead, I'm just being killed by school atm, anywayssss, this is a new idea, and it's the exact same as the Scarlett one, just a tad different! I know the very slow updating of the Boss story is very disappointing and for that, I apologize, but for those who know what the IB program is, you know what I am currently going through with the EE. I am doing my best to keep everyone happy, and I wish I had the time to update as much as possible, but there simply are not enough hours in the day.

Like always comments are greatly appreciated, and does help me improve, thank you in advance, I love you guys!

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