I told you so - Taylor X Reader

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"And this year's winner of album of the year is..." The presenter, Céline Dion, hesitates to create suspension. Still, I sit and watch in awe while waiting for her name to be called. Céline glances back down at the paper in her hand, "Taylor Swift!" She says with a smile and the camera pans over on her.

The camera stays on her till she steps onto the stage, following her every move we see her hugging Jack, her mom, and Travis. The two of them share their "picture perfect" relationship, hugging and kissing in front of the camera before she accepts her award and says thank you to everyone, especially Travis.

The last time she received an award, she did not have any special people in her life to thank, though she did not want to say it, because in her words, "That would lead to a world of problems," and she had a few years prior spent 6 months in absolute isolation, so in a way I understand it, at the same time though it kind of pissed me off.

I do know her well enough to say that she did love me, in her own weird way, just not as I wanted her to, in the eyes of the public and her family we were nothing more than friends, especially if we were out just the two of us. No holding hands, no delicate eye contact, and especially no whispering in ears.

I honestly do not have much thought about our relationship, nor would I ever speak ill of Tay or any of her family in any way, but I am entitled to feel hurt and betrayed, the same as back then. I would never force her out of the closet, if she was ever in it, or if I was nothing more than something she needed to get over Joe. She has never spoken ill of me either, when they ask about me in interviews she merely smiles and gives a vague but respectable answer, the same as I would.

I wrote a song about the whole thing though. After she and Travis got together, I was angry, I admit that, and I needed to get my feelings out, so I did as she would, I wrote a song, and without name-dropping anyone, I know she would know who it is about when I release it.

And I know I will be asked about it, this song can alone make me someone relevant, when she and I were friends, I had interviews from time to time, and I would be invited to events alongside her, I do not anymore, I hear nothing from anyone, the people that I knew hung out with me hoping I would bring her along, which rarely happened, still they invited me and had hoped.

In all honesty, it would be cruel of me to blame her, which I don't, I could never blame her, but, to be fair, the song will be released 11 days before Christmas, and most know what happens on that date.

We hit midnight on December 12, and the song gets released, for the first few hours nothing happens, at 7 am, all hell breaks loose, people are making theories, my Twitter is blowing up, so is my Tiktok and Instagram, and then comes the call I have been dreading.

Her name is perfectly displayed on my screen as it used to be. I take a very deep breath, and hit the round green button, "Hello, Miss Swift, what can I do for you on this fine morning?" I say in hopes of pissing her off enough to just hang up.

"Are you kidding me Y/n? Are you actually crazy? What the fuck is wrong with you?" She screams very loud and clear.

"I am afraid you are going to need to give me a few more words on what you are talking about Miss Swift," I say and bite my nail till I bleed.

"Right, one, stop calling me that. 2. Do you really need me to refresh your memory? Surely you cannot be that dumb," I can feel the eye roll.

"Please do, as we both knew, I was quite the forgetter," I say with a smile on my lips.

"Right, okay then, let's see if this helps, I wrote it down and everything," She snaps back.

"That's so sweet of you, did you grade it with comments in red too?" I ask her sarcastically, then realizing that I am being quite the bitch and a tad petty, but, as I have taken it this far I cannot stop now.

"When you wake up next to him in the middle of the night. With your head in your hands, you're nothing more than his wife. And when you think about me all of those years ago. You're standing face to face with "I told you so"" She reads my lyrics back to me, I knew it wouldn't take long for Tree to notice and tell her.

"I see you heard your dedication. That's what you get for ripping my heart out, stomping on it, and spitting me in my face," I say very angry. "Congrats on the award. And have a good life, but do not ever speak of me ever again, don't think of me, don't look at me, do not even bother saying hello to me if you ever see me on the street. Say hi to the cats, and block my number," I tell her as I hang up.

In order to get peace, I need to create it myself.

This is indeed short, but I love it, cuz I love the song. Anywayyyyy, bye, goodnight, stay safe.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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