NEVER Microwave Oreos

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For the record
It was Clover's idea.

I, Starr, was sitting on the couch and hear someone dig into the Oreo package in the kitchen. I didn't think much of it - until I heard the microwave door close.

"Uh, whatcha doing there?" I asked Clover after walking in.

He pressed Start and grinned. "Microwaving Oreos."

My first thought was, 'Ok he's the smart one, I'm sure he looked this up or something. Maybe it'll make the inside all gooey.'

Idk how many seconds it was but when we opened the door, it smelled like something burnt.

"Ok so that smells bad... doesn't mean it'll taste bad right?" I reasoned.

Well they were smoking hot so we did the only thing we could do.

We stuck them in the freezer for like ten minutes.

We finally took them out and here was the outcome:

The filling was still scorching hot, the cookie tasted burnt and cold at the same time, a little of the bottom of the cookie had melted and stuck onto the plate (you could make out the word 'OREO' on it o_o), and the filling had a weird taste...

In the end we just threw them away and settled for the regualr non-microwaved ones.

Lesson: NEVER Microwave Oreos. Ever.

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