14. We're in it Together

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The sun shines through the windows of the temple as the gems are seen in the living room of the temple

Garnet:"we need to track down Peridot, we found her pod, we know she out there somewhere, she came to earth to do a job and there are odds that she will contimue to do it" she said with seriously
"That's why I gather y'all here" she said as she's seen folding laundry

The rest are seen doing the same thing except amethyst who is reading a magazine
Steven:"I thought that it was for folding all this laundry" he said with a small frown
Garnet:"that chore wheel idea fell apart very quickly" she said as she looked at a wheel that states the names of everyone except Eri
Every name was scratched out and replaced by pearls name

Pearl:"I just enjoy doing all of those things" she said with embarrassment
Izuku:"you are not allowed in the kitchen remember" he said as on the wheel it said who's cooking, but from the last accident in it no one is allowed anymore except izuku and Garnet
Garnet:"it's better if we do them together" she said as Eri joined in with helping

Amethyst starts to help folding shirts
Amethyst:"humans should just stop wearing clothes, it would be a lot funnier" she joked

Steven:"hey I'm a civilized part human thank you very much, clothing is a must" he said "hmm this is a lot, i bet this folding would f go faster if ruby and sapphire were here"
Garnet:"I'm sure they would be glad to see you too Steven, but I am not un-fusing for laundry" she said with a smile
Steven whines a little

Pearl:"Garnet you wouldn't think that Peridot would come looking for us do you" she asked
Garnet:"she was sent here to reactivate the injectors" she explained
Pearl:"you do think she would?" She asked
Garnet nodded
Steven:"injectors, what are those?" He asked
Pearl:"you already seen them but only the deactivated one" she explained as she showed him an example

As that happens izuku is seen still folding as Eri makes shapes with the clothes
The gems got onto the warp pad getting ready to investigate the kindergarten
Izuku picks up Steven and brings him on his shoulder

Steven:"I though I was going to stay" He stated
Izuku:"your a crystal gem too, your coming with us" he said with a smile

They warp to the kindergarten, deactivated injectors and holes everywhere, most of them were intact

Izuku looks around
Izuku:"good thing that I left Eri at home, I wouldn't like for her to see this" he said to himself

As they walk around the kindergarten
Steven walks off as he look around, suddenly he hears Peridot logging a note
Peridot:"states still stuck on this horrible planet, the fusion experiments are developing properly, a few had came out early ahh!" She yell as she see Steven
Peridot:"are the other ones with you?" She asked
Steven shakes his head before nodding
Peridot:"of course why not" she facepalms

Garnet:"Peridot!" She yell as they ran at her
Pearl:"there she is" she shouts
Peridot starts to ran away and ran up a wall
Steven:"hey I can't do that" he whines
Pearl:"nether can she" she yell as she throw her spear and missed Peridot
Peridot:"ha missed" she yell mockingly
The spear hit an injector and caused it to collapse onto Peridot

Peridot hit the bottom
Amethyst ties Peridot, Peridot sent an electric shock through the whip
Pearl:"get back here" she yell chasing Peridot

Steven was about to chase them as izuku grabbed Steven of the ground
Steven:"come on Garnet, izuku" he said
Garnet:"if Peridot came here to reactivate the injectors, then they would be on, but look they are still deactivated" she said as izuku walked up to the fallen injector
Izuku:"let's see what she was really doing" he said lifting the injector with no effort

They jump down as Steven asked questions about fusion
Steven:"wow, this place is more creepy then the last time" he said looking at the pillars
Steven:"the powers not on, what was she doing" he asked
Izuku:"it looked like Peridot pulled these out of the wall" he said as he looked at the pillars

A sudden sound came from a pillar
It starts to shake as a foot and a hand fell from the ceiling, it looked to be attached to one another
More fell from the ceiling, hands attached to legs, arms attached to other arms
One of the creatures jumped at Steven
Garnet poofed it before it could cause damage
Garnet looked at the gem it was

Two shards gems stuck together
Steven:"it looks like two gem shards stuck together" he said with confusion
Garnet had a look of disgust and throw the gem away
Izuku looked at the experiments with sadness and hate
Izuku:"their suffering" he whispered
Garnet gained a look of fear as she froze up
A giant gem cluster nocked garnets to the ground
Izuku froze up as well, he looked to be unable to move
Garnet:"they were forced to fuse together this is wrong, I'm sorry" she said as she started to unfuse from the fear
She started to fall apart
Steven:"Garnet come on, this isn't like you" he yell to her
Garnet regained her senses as she nocked the gem away from her and ripped out the cluster of gem in the center
A look of rage was plastered on her face

Izuku was still frozen in place
A red tint in his skin and eyes, his body started to deform, his arms became sharp as a knife and cracks started to form
He slashed at the gem experiments with rage
Garnet:"so this is what homeworld thinks of fusion, we couldn't have known this, they've been here the whole time this was punishment for the rebellion, it's not our fault" each half spoke
Steven:"Garnet!" He shouted
Garnet:"Steven" she said
Pearl and amethyst walked in saying that Peridot escaped
Pearl:"what are these things?" She asked
Garnet"put them down, poof and bubble all of them, don't leave any behind" she said as she slammed her gantlet poof the gem

A while later
Steven warped to the temples hand as he holds clothes
Steven found Garnet on the temple hand with Izuku as he still had creaks all over himself
Garnet:"hey Steven" she said
Steven:"hey Garnet, how do the washer and dryer to work up here" he asked
Garnet:"magic" she said as she tends to izuku with a bottle that's labeled 'roses tears'
Steven laughed
Garnet:"you shouldn't have seen that" she yelled
Steven:"that's ok"
Garnet:"that's not ok, that wasn't fusion" she yelled
Steven:"what's it like to be a fusion all the time"
Garnet:"you forget you were ever alone, I'm the the inbodement of my- ruby and sapphire's love"
She said with a smile

Izuku:"and lunar is the inbodement of mine and garnets love" he said as he kissed Garnet
Garnet:"and with that love keeps us and me together" she said with a huge smile

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