Somethin about the past.

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7years ago....

"Zoey!" Amir cried out.

"Zoey!!! Where are you!" He shouted as it echoed through the hospital, not only his voice but his pain.

Arieon couldn't get his son to calm down as started to fight the nurses who tried to restrain him.

"Amir baby-" Sierra, his mother rushed out and past an onlooker as Amir pulled away from her in disgust.

"Where Zoey pops? Where is she?" Amir cried and Arieon looked at him with swollen eyes.

"Ma, Please just take me to her?" He cried and gripping on his mother.

"Who is that?" Khalil asked sure he had seen the bandaged man before.

Brian cleared his throat.

"what?" Khalil asked.

"He's the boyfriend of the heart donor." He admitted and Khalil watched as Amir broke down in front of everyone.

he knew that feeling, how he felt about Dior.

he couldn't imagine if the roles were reversed how things would be.

Khalil turned around without a word and went back to Diors room.

It was another 10 minutes of yelling before he heard silence assuming Amir had been sedated.

he looked out the open room doorvand there were two men nurses dragging Amir down the halland back to his room.

Khalil nodded as he looked at Dior and realized something as she lay unconscious.
He would fight for, he would die for her.

as he sat there thinking about everything he was willing to do for her he found himself nodding off.

by the time he came to he was sure it was the following day.

Khalil glanced at his phone and it was nearly 5 in the morning and Dior was still sleep.

"Dior?" He called.

"Dior?" He gave a light shake but still nothing.

just the consistent beeping.

He looked at the monitor and then to her chest.

He figured he needed to find Brian because he didn't get why she wasn't up.

he walked out her room shutting the door behind him before walking down the hall.

of course there wasn't a nurse in sight

he sighed.

Khalil took a breath to calm himself.

he walked away from the nurses station and found himself by a scenic view, glass window from ceiling to floor right above the garden.

exactly where Amir was breaking down earlier and where he sat now.

Khalil looked at him for a moment and remembered the first time they met.

he knew he was his friends cousin and he seemed to stay out of the way for the most part.

"You Ahmad cousin right? " Khalil said sitting on the bench opposite of him.

Amir sat there not even hearing him.

"Amir?" He asked and Amir turned towards him.

"I'm sorry bout yo girl. I uh heard that shit earlier." Khalil admitted.

amir looked lifeless as he sat in a wheelchair bandaged up.

"Yea." Amir said not really sure what to say.

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