Chpt.3 | Dorsia

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Y/N Pov:

I get into my apartment and start to get ready going through my closet looking for a dress to wear

I put on a black dress with some roses on it and some lace at the cuts that hands low and shows some cleavage. I then do my hair nice and put on some makeup but not a lot

I then put my perfume on and some bracelets and a necklace and my black heels

I check the time and realize i still have 20 minutes and sit on my couch and turn on the tv and watch the news until I hear a car pull up and realize it's Paul.

I get up and go out the door to his Limo and get in

"You look gorgeous." He says smirking

"Thanks this is on you right? Because I have no money right now"

"Yeah i'll pay for you" He smirks and winks

"Okay, thanks" I say and put on my headphones and listen to music.


Y/N Pov:

We get into the building and immediately I can tell this is the richest building i've ever been in. We go over to the table and I see some guys but I don't see Patrick. I frown slightly but sit next to Paul.

"Hey where's Bateman?" A man says to the other

"I don't know he's late again." The other says annoyed

Just then I see Patrick come in.

"You're late" They all say

"Sorry I was killing some homeless guy" He says with a grin

They all pay no kind to his comment and I stand there looking at him. How do they just not talk about that? I'm sure he was joking but they just act like he said nothing?

"So men, this is Y/N" Paul says and I smile at them

They all introduce themself and Patrick even does acting like we didn't run into each other well.. me running into him.

"Hi" I say awkwardly

"i'm gonna go to the bathroom" I say and get up

I need to wash my hands

I get up and walk into the bathroom


Patrick's Pov:

I get ready for dinner and put on my suit and before I leave I kill a homeless man by stabbing him and slitting his throat just to satisfy my blood lust for tonight. I then go and get into my limo and get on the way to Dorsia.


Immediately as soon as I get in they tell me im late

"Sorry I was killing some homeless man" I say literally being serious with a smirk knowing that they all just ignore the confessions of mine but I immediately see that Y/N looked at me a little concerned.

"So men, this is Y/N" Paul says and I smirk at her and she says Hi

"Im gonna go to the bathroom" She says and gets up and walks away

"She's smoking hot" Craig says

"She has such a nice ass right?" Paul says

They all nod and while I do agree with that I still feel this feeling that I don't want them looking at her.

What makes this even worse is that only that Paul has the Fisher account but now he has a hotter Secretary than me.

I see her come back and sit down across from me

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