Introduction - Cassandra

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Tick. Tick. Tick. The sound of a small clock filled my ears, the soft ticks coming from the little thing that sat upon my large mahogany desk. Each tick it made coming as slow as the last. Many papers and documents laid out over my desk, each one bathed in the warm glow of a desk lamp. I looked at the documents that was displayed, before looking back at my computer screen with focused intensity. The room is adorned with tasteful artwork and accolades, to both show my appreciation for the beautiful pieces that were skillfully crafted as well as the amount of wealth I possess.

The quiet atmosphere further amplifying the sounds of soft clicking that came from my laptop keys while every so often taking thoughtful pauses, mostly thinking on the future path of the company, but in the back of my mind something tugged, ever so slightly but not enough to be noticed. I had been working non stop these past few weeks, having meeting after meeting, staying up late to get work done, firing and hiring people left and right. I stood up from my chair, walking and taking a light stretch as I stare out from my office window that overlooked the city.

I was up on the highest floor in the building, as such the city unfolds like a bundle of shimmering lights against the canvas of the dark night sky. The streets resembling rivers of luminescence, each tall building towering over a portion of the city. The distant sounds of traffic rises like a symphony, while the cityscape stretches into the horizon. I stand above it all, embracing the feeling of relaxation as I appreciated the view, a sense of both awe and serenity in witnessing the vibrant heartbeat of the city beneath the cold night sky.

Each decision I made was made to benefit the company, to benefit me. I soon turned back, facing my desk as I return to it, gathering up each document as I return them to their rightful place, before gathering my things. I've finished work for the night. "Time to head home." I say, to no one in particular. I look back to the view of the city, appreciating it once more, before turning to leave, closing the door behind me as I go to exit the building.

Soon later, I exit my car once I arrive home. I enter through the door, entering the large and quiet building as I make my way to my bedroom. As I walk through the hallways I look around, appreciating every piece of artwork that adorned my home, each being unique and beautiful in their own way. Once reaching my bedroom I immediately stripped, getting in my shower as I scrub off the feeling of exhaustion and work. Soon after I was laying in my bed, wearing my sleep attire as I drift off to bed.

The next day was a day like any other. Waking up, working out and exercising in my home gym, showering, having some breakfast, before finally getting dressed and ready for work. I wore my usual attire, a beautiful and professional black suit that complimented me nicely, while also giving off the impression of confidence, sophistication, and authority. Soon after getting dressed I made my way to work, appreciating the sights of the bustling city in the morning.

Upon arriving at the company building I made my way through, navigating through the building swiftly while making subtle conversation with a few employees upon my way to my office. A few minutes later, I entered my quiet office and called in my secretary. "Get me a coffee, the usual." I told her as I sat down at my desk, immediately setting off to work. As the sounds of my keyboard filled the room, and the ticks from the clock mingle with each click and clack my keyboard makes, I suddenly stop. I then realize just how exhausted I was. I have been working non stop, barely giving myself time to recover or focus on things outside of work. My spirit may be fine, but my mind and body are both hindered by exhaustion, slowly but surely being overcome by it.

"....I need a vacation." I say to myself, and at that moment my secretary walked in, holding my coffee. "Diane." I say to her, typing and sending out documents and other things that need's getting done. "I want you to call the Chief Operating Officer. Inform him I will be taking leave, and that he will be in charge of things in my absence. I have already sent everything that needs attending to to him." I tell her, gathering my things as I make my way to her and grab the coffee I asked her to get me. "Have a good day Diane, you may have the day off tomorrow." Is the last thing I say before making my way out of the building and getting in my car, driving home. 'I suppose it's time for that vacation I've been meaning to go on for ages now.' I think to myself, small smile making it's way upon my face.

A few hours later I was on my private jet, flying above the city as I leave it all behind to go on vacation for the next few days, perhaps weeks. I look down at the glimmering lights of the city, taking a small sip of the champagne in my hands before putting it down, closing my eyes as I let out a soft sigh. "Home, here I come" I mumble to myself, slowly drifting off to sleep as exhaustion takes over, plunging me into a world of darkness and dreams.

Ok so second chapter done. I know there's like no dialogue and I know that currently Cassandra doesn't seem to have much going on, and I apologize for it all, but I promise that I will be giving more dialogue and character to her and well, everyone in the story! Like I said before, this and the Delaney one are just introducing the character, what they do, all that stuff. I am not the best writer as I'm still kind of a noob at this, but I promise I'll try to make things better. Thank you to anyone who reads this and doesn't mind my bad writing, I really hope what I write in the future will match your expectations. Anyways, goodbye and thanks for reading.

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