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You really think you can escape from me?
You're nothing without me
Don't leave me on read god damnit
Jake would never fulfill your needs like I did
He doesn't know you like I do
Come back to me, please baby?
I know you still love me
You really want Jake, huh? He's not even that attractive like I am.
I'll make your life a living hell if you start dating him.
I won't let you leave again


Calling "Jake!! <3"

"Hey, Hoonie! What's up?"

"Can you come over? Please...?" Sunghoon heard shuffling from the other line

"Uh- Yeah! Is everything okay? Did something happen?"

"Can you just hurry, please? I feel like I'm being suffocated..."

"Of course, I'm on my way! Do you need any-" Jake stopped midway when he heard cries from his phone.

"I'll bring some ice cream, okay?"

"Okay..." Sunghoon's voice was barely above a whisper.

"I'm about to get on the highway, so I'll hang up now... I love- I'll be there soon, okay Hoonie?"

Call ended

Jake drove to Sunghoon's house as quickly as he could without getting pulled over. He cursed himself throughout the drive because he nearly said he loved Sunghoon.

"Why the fuck would I do that?!"


*knock knock*

Sunghoon quickly rushed to the door to answer. Once he opened it, Jake was met with the cutest but saddest sight.

Sunghoon was wrapped up in a thick blanket with red puffy eyes, and also dressed in penguin pajamas.

"Awe~ Come here, Hoonie... What happened?" Jake asked, pulling him in for a tight hug.

"He- He said bad things about you a-and that he'd make my life a living hell if I started dating you!" Sunghoon said, burying his face in Jake's neck.

"Well, I can assure you that I'll make his life way worse than what he said, okay? Do you wanna go in? I can tell that you're cold." Sunghoon nodded, but he didn't move.

"Do you want me to carry you~" Jake teased, what he didn't expect was Sunghoon to nod again. And so, Sunghoon got carried inside. He was latched onto the shorter like a koala.

Jake struggled to close the door with his leg since he still had the ice cream in his hands as well.

"Can you show me where your room is? I don't want you to be uncomfortable on the couch," Jake asked. Sunghoon pointed to the stairs and then to the left, Jake nodded and attempted to climb up.

Maybe I shouldn't have skipped the gym, holy shit

Once they got to his room, Jake quickly tucked Sunghoon in and was pulling up a chair from the shorters desk.

His movements were paused when he heard small pats behind him. Jake turned around to see that Sunghoon had moved over and was patting the unoccupied space.

"You sure? I don't want to make you uncomfortable..." Although the two had grown closer, Jake didn't want to cross a line.

"I wouldn't have asked if I didn't want you to," Sunghoon's voice was muffled by the blanket as he was almost submerged in it.

"Okayy~ Can you show me exactly what it says?" Jake asked as he got comfortable in Sunghoon's bed.

"It's on the nightstand, the passcode is 111502," Since Jake was sitting up, Sunghoon took the opportunity to snuggle against Jake's chest, which left him severely flustered.

"O-okay... Oh my god! No way he actually sent that!?" Jake was in shock when he scrolled through the messages. Sunghoon didn't respond, he only rubbed his head on Jake's arm to try and get him to properly hold him.

"Awe~ You're so clingy~ Can I reply to him?"

"Please... I don't wanna deal with him right now, I just wanna sleep,"

"Alright, you do that. If you need anything I'm here, okay?" Sunghoon only nodded in response.


how you felt after saying that

i want you to know that youre ugly as hell inside and outmostly outbut that's besides the pointwhat you did to Sunghoon was actually OUTRAGEOUS

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i want you to know that youre ugly as hell inside and out
mostly out
but that's besides the point
what you did to Sunghoon was actually OUTRAGEOUS . You should be lucky he didn't sue your sorry ass
and the fact that you're still harassing him? its giving obsessed
and ill date him if i want to, its not up to you
i actually love him so much and if you ever contact him again ill actually kill you

who the hell do you think you are talking to me like that?
I can end your career just like that


user @kimwoojinofficial has been blocked

769 words 😨

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